Snow Plowing and Salting:
Our city is broken down into 13 major plow routes that basically cover the entire city. When a snow storm does hit, priority is first given to main streets, school areas, and steep hilly streets, with secondary and dead end streets soon to follow. As always, the bulk of the snow plowing/salting is done after 11 pm, with snow plowing/salting crews working continuously throughout the day if the need arises.
During severe snow storms, a SNOW EMERGENCY can be declared by the city. This means that ALL vehicles must be off the streets by 10 pm (unless otherwise specified) or the vehicle can be ticketed and towed away at the owners expense.
Snow Removal:
When time permits, the Department of Public Works removes snow from highly congested areas along curbs,in front of business districts,churches,etc.
Snow removal on sidewalks is the responsibility of the property owner.
1 Kennedy Plaza
Utica, New York 13502
(315) 792-0100