- RESIDENCY: Candidates for vacancies in city departments, Utica City School District, or the Municipal Housing Authority must have been legal residents of the City of Utica for at least four months immediately preceding the date of the written test. Pursuant to Local Law, candidates for appointment to the position of Police Officer may reside outside the City at the time of appointment but shall, as a qualification of employment, become a resident of the City within six (6) months after the date of appointment. Employees of the City shall be at the time of their appointment and continue to be during their continuance in the employment of the City, residents of the City of Utica except as otherwise provided by Law, Local Law or Ordinance of the Council. United States Citizenship is no longer a requirement, with the exception of Police Officer candidates.
- SABBATH OBSERVER/DISABLED CANDIDATES/MILITARY MEMBERS: Applicants whose religious beliefs or military service prevent their taking examinations on the scheduled date and disabled candidates who require special accommodations to take the test should indicate the need for special arrangements on their application.
- VETERANS: Non-disabled and disabled veterans who wish to claim additional credits must request a Veterans Credits application from our office. This form must be completed and submitted along with a war service (DD214) form prior to the establishment of the resulting eligible list. Veterans credits may only be added to a passing score and may only be used for appointment once. Candidates currently in the armed forces may apply for and be conditionally granted veteran's credits. Any candidate who applies for such credits must provide proof of military status to receive the conditional credits. You may not claim additional Veterans Credits after the eligible list has been established. It is the candidate's responsibility to request the Veterans Credits application forms and submit these forms and any required supporting paperwork before the eligible list is established. On November 5, 2013, New York State voters approved an amendment to Article 5, section 6, of the New York Constitution regarding the award and use of additional credits for certain disabled veterans on open competitive and promotion civil service examinations for positions with New York State and local governments. For eligible lists established after January 1, 2014, disabled veterans may be entitled to additional credits on a civil service examination. Every situation is different. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact our office.
- APPLICATIONS: Unless otherwise indicated on this announcement, the candidate shall complete one "Application for Examination or Employment" (form MSD 330) for each examination he/she wishes to take. Candidates must record the examination number and title on the application. Applicants must answer every question on the application form and make sure that the application is complete in all respects. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE DISAPPROVED!
- FILING FEE: A NON-REFUNDABLE FEE OF $25.00/$50.00 IS REQUIRED FOR EACH SEPARATELY NUMBERED OPEN-COMPETITIVE OR PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION FOR WHICH YOU APPLY. The $50.00 fee applies to any non-resident. The required fee must accompany your application. Send or bring the CHECK/MONEY ORDER, made payable to Utica Municipal Civil Service Commission., and write the exam number(s) and your social security number on the money order. DO NOT SEND OR BRING CASH, as the City cannot be responsible for cash payment. CHECKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. You are urged to compare your qualifications carefully with the requirements for admission, and file only for those exams for which you are clearly qualified. No refunds will be made to applicants who are denied, disqualified or fail to appear. FURTHER, applicants shall pay the cost of any required fingerprinting, physical examinations, drug screening, or other medical tests that may be required as part of the examination process or as a condition of employment.
- APPLICATION FEE WAIVER: A waiver of application fee will be allowed if you are unemployed and primarily responsible for the support of a household. In addition, a waiver of application fee will be allowed if you are determined eligible for Medicaid, or receiving Supplemental Security Income payments, or Public Assistance (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/Family Assistance or Safety Net Assistance) or are certified Job Training Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act eligible through a State or local social service agency. All claims for application fee waiver are subject to verification. If you can verify eligibility for application fee waiver, complete a “Request for Application Fee Waiver and Certification” form and submit it with your application by the close of business on the Application Deadline as listed on the Examination Announcement.
- SAMPLE EXAM: Unfortunately there is no generic "Sample Exam" available. On entry level examination announcements we provide study guide information available through New York State Civil Service Website at: http://www.cs.ny.gov.testing.localguides.cfm
- ADMISSION NOTICE: Approved candidates will be notified when and where to appear for the examination. No one will be admitted to the examination without the official admission notice. If an applicant is disapproved, due notice will be sent. IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR ADMISSION NOTICE THREE DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF THE WRITTEN OR PERFORMANCE TEST, NOTIFY THIS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY. Notice to appear for the test does not constitute approval of your application by the Utica Municipal Civil Service Commission. Further review of application for minimum requirements may be made after the written test.
- ALTERNATE TEST DATES: In certain circumstances that fall under the alternate test date policy established by this department, an alternate test date may be arranged. Such requests are subject to verifications.
- EMERGENCIES: If an emergency prevents you from appearing for the examination, please notify this office no later than 10:00 A.M. on the Monday following the test date (Tuesday, if Monday is a holiday), providing verifiable documentation of the reasons.
- MULTIPLE EXAMINATIONS: In some instances it may be possible to take other examinations scheduled on the same date for state, county, or another local civil service division. Please indicate this on your application (attach additional sheet) so arrangements can be made for one test holding. Specify the exam title(s), exam number(s), the jurisdiction(s) offering the other exam(s), and the test site at which you wish to be tested. In addition, application for examination and notice of participation in multiple examinations must be given to the other jurisdiction(s) involved. If you have applied for both State and local government examinations, you must take all your examinations at the State examination center. You will be advised by letter when and where to report for your examinations.
- ADDRESS CHANGE: Failure to notify this office of a change of address may result in disqualification for examination or certification for appointment following examination. No attempt will be made to locate candidates who have moved.
- ELIGIBLE LISTS: Appointments from an eligible list must be made from the top three candidates willing to accept appointment. The duration of an eligible list must be not less than (1) nor more than (4) years. Changing conditions may make it advisable to certify to future vacancies at higher or lower salaries than those announced.
- PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS: Points will be added to an eligible score as following: Seniority* For Each Year 0.4%. *Rating of seniority is based on the length of continuous completion class service in the jurisdiction up to a maximum of 20 years.
- SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT IN SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND BOCES: Per Chapter 180 of the Laws of 2000, and by Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, to be employed in a position designated by a school district or BOCES as involving direct contact with students, a clearance for employment from the State Education Department is required.
- All applications must be filed with the Utica Municipal Civil Service Commission on or before the last filing date.
- This office reserves the right to reject for lateness, applications filed after the advertised filing period. The Utica Municipal Civil Service Commission does not make formal acknowledgment of the receipt of an application or take responsibility for non-delivery or postal delay.
- Candidates must be medically and physically capable of performing the duties of the position and may be required to take examinations to establish this condition.
- Federal and State Law prohibit discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.
- Unless otherwise notified, candidates are permitted to use quiet, hand-held, solar or battery powered calculators. Devices with typewriter keyboards, "spell checkers", "personal digital assistants", "address books", "language translators", "dictionaries", or any similar devices are prohibited. You may not bring books or other reference materials.
- This examination will be prepared and rated in accordance with Section 23(2) of the Civil Service Law. The provisions of New York State Civil Service Law, rules and regulations dealing with the preparation and rating of examinations will apply to this examination.
- Appropriate probationary rules apply to all appointments from Open Competitive and Promotional Lists.
- SPECIAL CREDIT FOR CHILDREN OF FIREFIGHTERS and POLICE OFFICERS KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY: In accordance with Section 85-a of the Civil Service Law,children of Firefighters and Police Officers killed in the line of duty shall be entitled to receive an additional ten (10) points in a competitive examination for original appointment in the same municipality in which his of her parent has served. If you are qualified to participate in this examination and are a child of a Firefighter or Police Officer killed in the line of duty in this municipality, please inform this office of this matter when you submit your application for examination. A candidate claiming such credit has a minimum of two (2) months from the application deadline to provide the necessary documentation to verify additional credit eligibility. However, no credit will be added after the Eligible List has been established.
- The number of years of experience required in the minimum qualifications is based upon the presumption of full-time employment. The minimum qualifications for examinations do not provide for the acceptance of part-time experience, unless specifically stated on the examination announcement. Employment less than thirty-five (35) hours per week will be considered as part-time.
- Experience claimed on examination applications must be an integral part of the position, not incidental. The work experience claimed to qualify for an examination cannot be out-of-title, incidental, overlapping, enhanced, or fabricated.
- It is the policy of the City of Utica to provide for and promote equal employment opportunity in employment, compensation and other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination on the basis of age, race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital status or genetic predisposition or carrier status.
- If you have applied for both State and local government examinations, you must notify the City of Utica Civil Service Commission of your intent to take both a State and local government examination. When taking both a State and a local government examination you will be required to take all your examinations at a State examination center. You will be advised by letter when and where to report for your examinations.
- MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: You must have graduated from high school or have earned a high school equivalency diploma (such as a GED) or higher. You must include the name and location of the high school or governmental authority that granted the diploma in the "Education" section of your application. Your high school diploma or equivalency diploma must have been awarded by a high school or educational institution recognized by the New York State Education Department as following acceptable educational practices. There will be a written test administered in English only, which you must pass. If you pass the written test, you must meet the QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT.
- Your high school diploma or equivalency diploma must have been awarded by a high school or educational institution recognized by the NYS Education Department as following acceptable educational practices. If your high school diploma was awarded by an educational institution outside the United States and its territories, you must provide independent verification of equivalency. You can write to the Examination Information Desk of the NYS Department of Civil Service for a list of acceptable companies who provide this service. This information can also be found on the Internet at http://www.cs.ny.gov/jobseeker/degrees.cfm. You must pay the required evaluation fee.
For applications or further information, please contact: Utica Municipal Civil Service Office at 792-0225
Updated: 12/20/2018