Street Maps

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Road Assessments

We welcome you to the interactive assessment of our roads. We hope you find the following interactive maps helpful in understanding the condition of our road infrastructure. Please use the maps to inspect our road quality and look at the data which will be used to select the roads to be included in each years’ paving schedule.

The City of Utica has contracted with Michelin Better Roads to provide road maintenance assessment using Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Principles. These data-driven insights will assist the City to establish the annual paving and repair programs. We also welcome input from the community on how this rating system, the photos included, and overall assessment matches what we see on the street.

There are six interactive maps. The first can be accessed at this link – Full streets overview. This map contains every portion of the road assessment, condition 1 through 5, an if zoomed in, allows for each portion of the assessment, including photos and verbal assessment to be reviewed.

Utilizing the graphic below, one may access maps for each individual rating, by clicking the color within the legend graphic. These maps show each rating individually so that the selected condition can be visualized across our city.

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