As you may be aware, on October 11, 2005, the New York State Legislature enacted legislation to amend the New York State Building and Fire Prevention Code. These changes found within the New York State Regulations at Part 1203 of Title 19, require that each municipality ensure that its local code of ordinances sets forth appropriate procedures and policies to enforce minimum standards as established by the State. As such, the City of Utica enacted new legislation in May of 2008 to amend its building code to comply with the State's mandate. The class of buildings/structures impacted by these new requirements are primarily those used for commercial purposes and include those used as places of public assembly, multiple dwellings (both residential and non-residential), dormitories and various commercial activities deemed "hazardous" due to types of materials handled, manufactured or stored on the premises.
1 Kennedy Plaza
Utica, New York 13502
(315) 792-0163