City of Utica
Fall Green Waste Pickup Announcement
Beginning Monday, October 1, 2018 thru Saturday, December 1, 2018
(weather permitting)
City of Utica residents can place non-containerized green waste at the curb.
The following green waste items that can be placed to the curb are leaves, brush, weeds, flowers, limbs and branches. Branches and limbs must be less than 14 inches in diameter.
The City of Utica does not pick up large green waste items such as trees, shrubs and logs. For a nominal fee you may contact Solid Waste at (315)731-0238 to have these items picked up.
Please contact the City of Utica DPW at (315)738-1341
for any questions regarding green waste pickup.
SUBSCRIBE1 Kennedy Plaza
Utica, New York 13502
(315) 792-0199