
Zoning Board meeting

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MARCH 18, 2025   5:00 PM



ZBA Case No.: 01-25                                                                                       Zone: UMU

Address:          1000 Oriskany St. West                                                            Area Variance

Applicant:        Paul Sacco Jr.

Owner:             Karen & Paul Sacco


Pursuant to Section 2-29-32(d)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking approval of an area variance in order to install signage at above referenced property.


The applicant is proposing to replace the existing 9’ x 8’ double sided free-standing sign with a 10’- 4 3/8” x 13’- 6 ¼” double sided digital sign.  The height of the proposed sign will be 18’ where the existing sign is currently 17’ high.  In accordance with Section 2-29-134 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the maximum permitted size for a free-standing sign in an Urban Mixed-Use zoning district is 60 sf which includes both sides of the sign.  The applicant is proposing to install an approximately 280-sf sign.  Therefore, the applicant will be required to receive an area variance for the increase in the size of the proposed sign.


In accordance with Section 2-29-142 - electronic messaging centers:  All electronic (digital) message centers, excluding billboards, shall conform with the following criteria. Electronic message centers may be incorporated into the copy area of any permitted sign.  When a message is changed, it shall be accomplished in less than 1/10 of a second and shall not use fading, swiping, or other animated transition methods.  Electronic message centers shall come equipped with dimming technology that automatically adjusts the display’s brightness based on ambient light conditions.  The allowable nighttime brightness for digital signs is no greater than 0.3 footcandles above ambient light conditions as measured by a footcandle meter, when measured perpendicular to the electronic message center face at a distance determined by the following formula:


Measure distance (feet) = √[area of EMC sign (in square feet) x 100]


The minimum dwell time for an electronic message shall be no less than eight seconds.


In accordance with Section 2-29-132 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, no off-premises signs are allowed, therefore, advertisements on this sign are limited to the business on site only.



ZBA Case No.: 02-25                                                                                       Zone: NMU

Address:          322 South Street                                                                       Area Variance

Applicant:        Alvaro Cedillo

Owner:             Alvaro Cedillo


Pursuant to Section 2-29-32(d)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking approval of an area variance in order to install fencing at the above referenced property.


The applicant currently has a 4’ high chain link fence that runs along the perimeter of their property.  The applicant is proposing to replace this with a 6’ high privacy fence which will be installed in the front of the home on South Street and extend along the side of the home on Seymour Avenue to the rear of the property.  The existing fence is located flush with the inside edge of the sidewalk. 


In accordance with Section 2-29-185 (c)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, all fences measuring more than three feet high are prohibited in the front yard of both inside and corner lots, therefore, the applicant will be required to receive an area variance for the height of the fence. 


The applicant has stated that they have had numerous issues will unfavorable pedestrians entering their yard causing damage to their house and car.