ZBA 3-19-24

Zoning Board meeting

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MARCH 19, 2024   5:00 PM



ZBA Case No.: 03-24                                                                                       Zone: RM

Address:          137 and 139 James Street                                                          Use Variance

Applicant:        James Paul

Owner:             City of Utica


Pursuant to Section 2-29-32(d)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking a use variance in order to establish a hydroponic farming company at the above referenced property in a Residential Mixed zoning district.


The applicant is proposing to purchase the two lots from the City of Utica and place two (2) 40’ x 8’ x 9.5’ shipping containers on the properties.  The applicant will grow crops inside the two shipping containers and sell produce to individuals and food pantries.  They will plant, harvest and package all produce within the containers and deliver to customers. 


Approximately 25 hours per week of farming labor within the containers will take place during standard business hours with occasional weekend work as needed. 


The hydroponic farm will be built entirely inside an insulated shipping container capable of growing a variety of leafy greens 365 days a year.  The farm is equipped with climate control technology and can produce the equivalent of two acres worth of fresh produce every year.  There will be no wastewater or runoff and will only use approximately five gallons of water per day.   




ZBA Case No.: 04-24                                                                                       Zone: RM/NMU

Address:          1021, 1023 Erie Street,                                                              Area Variances

2, 4,6,10, 12-14 Saratoga Street                        

                        1022, 1024, 1030, 1032, 1036, 1040 Whitesboro Street

CTM #:            318.32-1-8, 7, 9; 318.32-4-54; 318.32-1-55,

                        56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 52, 63

Applicant:        DePaul Group, Inc.

Owner:             DePaul Acquisitions LLC, Waters Capital Management,

Frank Scharf, Kristopher Korzek


Pursuant to Section 2-29-32(d)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking area variances in order to construct an affordable housing project at the above referenced location.


DePaul Group is proposing to develop an affordable housing project on an approximately 1.9-acre site which spans across 18 parcels. A larger partly 3-story, partly 2-story apartment building (with approximately 53 units) will be constructed at the corner of Whitesboro and Saratoga, extending north to the intersection of Erie Street. A smaller 2-story apartment building (with approximately 13 units) will be constructed along Whitesboro, extending from the intersection of Dewitt Street east towards the middle of the block. The project also includes two parking lots, sidewalks, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management and associated site work for each building.


The applicant is seeking the following area variances for this location:


Proposed Lot 1 (Building A) – Area Variances





Lot Width (Max)



Façade Length (Max)



Transparency – Ground Floor Front 



Transparency – Corner side façade



Transparency – Upper Floor – front and corner side facades


23.9% - 28.3%




ZBA Case No.: 04-24                                                                                       Zone: NMU

Address:          1048, 1100, 1104, 1110, 1114                                                   Area Variances

Whitesboro Street                                

CTM #:            318.32-1-66,67,68,69,70

Applicant:        DePaul Group, Inc.

Owner:             DePaul Acquisitions LLC, Waters Capital Management,

Frank Scharf, Kristopher Korzek


Pursuant to Section 2-29-32(d)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking area variances in order to construct an affordable housing project at the above referenced location.


DePaul Group is proposing to develop an affordable housing project on an approximately 1.9-acre site which spans across 18 parcels. A larger partly 3-story, partly 2-story apartment building (with approximately 53 units) will be constructed at the corner of Whitesboro and Saratoga, extending north to the intersection of Erie Street. A smaller 2-story apartment building (with approximately 13 units) will be constructed along Whitesboro, extending from the intersection of Dewitt Street east towards the middle of the block. The project also includes two parking lots, sidewalks, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management and associated site work for each building.


The applicant is seeking the following area variances for this location:



Proposed Lot 2 (Building B) – Area Variances





Lot Width (Max)



Façade Length (Max)



Transparency – Ground Floor Front 



Transparency – Upper Floor – front and corner side facades






ZBA Case No.: 06-24                                                                                       Zone: NMU

Address:          506 Mandeville Street                                                               Area Variance

Applicant:        Raymond Alessandrini

Owner:             Raymond Alessandrini


Pursuant to Section 2-29-32(d)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking area variances in order to construct a garage at the above referenced property.


The applicant is proposing to construct an 18’ x 22’ garage on the lot that was recently consolidated to the east of the existing parcel.  The proposed garage will be located on the east property line and the rear wall will act as a portion of a privacy fence along the property line.  The garage opening will face west and will utilize the shared driveway which enters from State Street.  Placing the garage close to the property line will allow vehicles to maneuver in and out of the garage properly. 


The applicant will require and area variance to reduce the setback to zero where 5’ is required.