ZBA 8-17-21

Zoning Board meeting

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Greetings Neighbors,


Please take notice that the City of Utica Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, AUGUST 17, 2021 at 5:00 pm in the Common Council Chambers of Utica City Hall.

According to Section 2-29-108(3)(b) of the City of Utica Zoning Ordinance, with respect to an application for a variance, the clerk of the board shall send written notice to all owners of property within 200 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property.

This letter shall serve as written notice of stated ordinance.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Patti DeCarr at (315) 792-0181or pdecarr@cityofutica.com.



AUGUST 17, 2021 5:00 PM


ZBA Case No.: 23-21                                                  Zone: R1

901 Parkway E.                                                          Area Variance

Applicant:  Carol Gable

Owner: Carol Gable


Pursuant to Section 2-29-67(4)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking an area variance in order to install a fence at the above referenced property.


The applicant is proposing to install a 6’ high solid white vinyl fence in the rear of a corner property.  The applicant is seeking a variance in order to enclose a side/front yard at this residence.  The fence will extend off the back edge of the home toward Madison Avenue and run down toward the rear of the property.


In accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, a maximum height of 3’ solid style fence is allowed in the front yard in a Residential zoning district.   The applicant will be required to receive an area variance for the proposed height and location of the fence.


The applicant has received review and approval from the City of Utica’s Scenic and Historic Preservation Commission.


ZBA Case No.: 24-21                                                          Zone: NMU

2100 Oriskany Street                                                          Use Variance

Applicant:  Park Outdoor Advertising

Owner: Sam Girmonde III


Pursuant to Section 2-29-67(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking a use variance in order to install a billboard at the above referenced property.


The applicant is proposing to replace an existing 12’ x 25’ two sided static billboard with a 12’x 25 two sided billboard.  The proposed billboard will be digital on the east facing side of the billboard and a static sign on the west facing side of the billboard.  The proposed billboard will be 30’ high which is the same height as the previous.


In accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, billboard signs shall be allowed only in the I and IMU Zoning Districts, therefore, the applicant is seeking a use variance for the installation of a billboard at this location.


There must be a minimum of 1,000 feet between billboards on primary roads and a minimum of 500 feet between billboards on secondary roads and state-controlled access highways, and this distance shall be measured in all directions.  The applicant has stated that the closest billboard is approximately 410’ from the proposed site.


No billboard shall exceed 30 feet in height from ground level or 400 square feet in sign area.  The applicant is proposing a 600 sf billboard.

ZBA Case No.:25-21                                                                Zone: RM

1300 West Street, 14 Johnson Square, 200 Square Street           Area Variances

CTM#: 318.74-4-9; 318.74-4-10; 318.74-4-34; 318.47-4-35

318.74-4-36; 318.74-4-37; 318.74-4-39; 318.74-4-40

318.74-4-43; 318.74-5-13.2; 318.74-5-13.1

Applicant:  JCTOD Outreach, Inc.

Owner: JCTOD Outreach, Inc.


Pursuant to Section 2-29-67(4)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking  area variances in order to construct three residential buildings at the above referenced locations.


The applicant is proposing the construction of three residential buildings on three parcels and associated parking at the subject locations.  The proposed buildings are summarized as follows; 1300 West Street is a 51-unit apartment building; 200 Square Street is a nine unit apartment building and 14 Johnson Square is a two-unit townhouse style building. 


The increased density will allow JPC to provide much needed benefits to an increased number of residents, including the elderly, single individuals and families.  The project also produces housing opportunities that are sustainable and cost effective and will contribute to the well-being and further sense of community within the Cornhill neighborhood.


Variances required:


1300 WEST STREET: (51 Units)


                               REQUIRED:                  PROPOSED:                          VARIANCE:


Minimum Front Yard   Average of Street (5’)     1.3’, 0’, 0’                                3.7’, 5’, 5’

Minimum Parking        51                                15 (6 additional shared)            36

Maximum Lot Coverage    70%                       75%                                         5%


200 SQUARE STREET: (9 Units)


                            REQUIRED:                 PROPOSED:                         VARIANCE:


Minimum Side Yard      10’                           1’                                             9’

Minimum Parking         9                              0                                             9

Maximum Lot Coverage   70%                     88%                                         18%


 14 JOHNSON SQUARE: (2 Units)


                               REQUIRED:                 PROPOSED:                    VARIANCE:


Minimum Side Yard        10’                              8’, 3.1’                          2’,6.9’

Minimum Parking           2                                0                                     2

Maximum Lot Coverage  70%                          71%                               1%