UIDA 2-5-25

UIDA meeting

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Utica Industrial Development Agency

Regular Meeting – Wednesday, February 5, 2025 @ 9:00am

Utica City Hall, Utica, New York and via WebEx


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes (January 15, 2025
  3. Old Business

          A.  Utica Harbor Lodging Group, LLC

            Consider a statement of findings relating to the Utica Harbor Lodging Group, LLC Facility and requesting the Mayor of Utica confirm the proposed action to provide financial assistance to a retail facility.

          B. Utica Harbor Lodging Group, LLC

            Consider a final authorizing resolution relating to the Utica Harbor Lodging Group, LLC Facility authorizing financial assistance in the form of exemptions from sales tax (valued at $2,143,751), exemptions from mortgage recording tax (valued at $261,000) and reduction of real property tax for a period of 24 years (valued at $14,870,649), which financial assistance is a deviation from the Agency’s Uniform Tax Exemption Policy and approving the form and execution of related documents in the Agency’s standard form, subject to counsel review. The Agency conducted a public hearing on January 28, 2025.

          C. BG Warehouse, LLC

Consider a final authorizing resolution relating to the BG Warehouse, LLC Facility authorizing financial assistance in the form of exemptions from sales tax (valued at $131,250) and reduction of real property tax for a period of 5 years (valued at $687,002), which financial assistance is a deviation from the Agency’s Uniform Tax Exemption Policy and approving the form and execution of related documents in the Agency’s standard form, subject to counsel review. The Agency conducted a public hearing on February 4, 2025.


     4. New Business

          A. Uniform Evaluation Criteria
              Consider a resolution amending the Agency’s Uniform Evaluation Criteria to give specific consideration to projects that include onsite child care

     5. Executive Session (if required)

     6. Adjourn

Members of the public may listen to the meeting by calling



Access code:                   2634 455 2651


     or joining the meeting at Meeting link: https://cityofutica.webex.com/cityofutica/j.php?MTID=m370454677c4207c40a280b0398373c6d


Meeting password:     vK8tuB5HJ4e