Scenic & Historic meeting
FEBRUARY 24, 2025 4:00 PM
S&H Case No.: 04-25 Zone: S&H
106 Memorial Parkway Cert. of Appropriateness
Applicant: Utica Children’s Museum
Owner: Utica Children’s Museum
In accordance with the requirements contained in Section 2-29-44 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness in order to install signage at the above referenced property.
The applicant is proposing to install the following signage:
1) Monument Sign
To be located at the corner of Holland Avenue and Memorial Parkway at the site of the former Utica City School District sign (there is currently a 20’ x 12’ mound of mulch in the space). We have two sign options. For budget/time restrictions for our opening, we may need to go with Option 1 (simpler post sign), but would like to ultimately build Option 2 that will include a raised “bed” with stone texture on the outside that will match the facade of the building. A flower bed will allow seasonal flowers to be planted to add to the aesthetic.
It is important to indicate the address on this sign option, as GPS tends to lead visitors up near Valley View. This sign will also include wayfinding elements to aid cars and buses to choose to turn onto Holland or continue on the Parkway. Up lighting will be preferred, style TBD after we explore the capability to run electricity to the mount. Solar lighting might be an option.
2) Entry way signs
5 ‘ x 2’ high double-sided aluminum laminate composite entry way signs for two parking lot entrances: Holland Avenue on the west side of the building and the Parkway on the east side of the building. Clearance from the ground to the bottom of the sign will be 30” x 36” to account for snow accumulation. Posts will be 3” x 3” (square or round.)
For safety reasons, we are requesting the Parkway sign be installed as shown in rendering to provide ample site line and to aid bus drivers in making the right-hand turn. That stretch of the Parkway has over 9,000 vehicles utilizing it daily and traffic moves fast, especially when the Holland Avenue light is green. Bus drivers need time to slow down to make that turn with ease.
3) Facade sign, Parkway (north) side of the building
This option will be explored after opening. Panels will mimic the style of the corner and main entrance sign and would be affixed to the facade wall (balcony is not accessible by visitors). Up lighting this sign will also be preferred by placing lighting along the balcony floor.
4) Pole banners in parking lot
18” x 48” double-sided vinyl banners on 12 poles through the ICAN parking lot, featuring brand colors and logo of the Utica Children’s Museum. Two banners on each pole.
5) Main Entrance Signage
On new rotunda entrance to help indicate that this is the MAIN entrance all visitors should come through. Aluminum composite panels for above entry way with raised “UCM” text. Vinyl graphics/logos/lettering on doors and windows.
6) Additional Parking Signs
18” x 24” aluminum composite signs installed on our fence in two locations to guide visitors throughout our parking lot.
7) Ramp Signs
24” x 10” to provide extra site line to two ramp entrances for visitors.