Scenic & Historic meeting
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 4:00 PM
S&H Case No.: 15-24 Zone: S&H
2628 Genesee Street Cert. of Appropriateness
Applicant: Victory Sign
Owner: Dr. Aymme Belen
In accordance with the requirements contained in Section 2-29-44 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness in order to install signage at the above referenced property.
The applicant is proposing to remove the existing free-standing sign and replace it with a 76” x 91.75” LED message board with an illuminated header sign which will read “BELEN DENTAL” “we’ve got your smile”. The sign will be installed between two black 6” posts which will be 84” high. Landscaping will be added to enhance the signage area.
The proposed sign will be perpendicular to Genesee Street and located in the front yard more toward the south of the parcel.
In accordance with Section 2-29-132 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, no off-premises signs are allowed, therefore, only the business at this location will be permitted to publicize on this message board.
In accordance with Section 2-29-134 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, 60 sf is the maximum size permitted for a free-standing sign in a Neighborhood Mixed Use zoning district. The applicant will be required to receive an area variance from the City of Utica’s Zoning Board of Appeals for the increased size of the sign.
S&H Case No.: 17-24 Zone: S&H
255 Genesee Street Cert. of Appropriateness
Applicant: NIYAWILL, LLC dba Exit 31 Exotic
Owner: Flawless Diamond of Utica, LLC
In accordance with the requirements contained in Section 2-29-44 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness in order to install signage at the above referenced property.
The applicant is proposing to install two sets of exterior backlit channel letters “EXIT 31 EXOTIC”. The letters will be approximately 22” x 175” and will have black sides. The front of the letters will be white on “EXIT” and “EXOTIC” and green for “31”. One sign will be on the Hopper Street side of the business and the other will be over the storefront on Genesee Street.
The applicant has stated that they would prefer the backlit sign, however, has also explored the option of dimensional letters in the same colors with four (4) gooseneck lights over each sign.
S&H Case No.: 18-24 Zone: S&H
706 Varick Street Cert. of Appropriateness
Applicant: Waleed Alsaidi
Owner: Mohawk Valley Partners, LLC
In accordance with the requirements contained in Section 2-29-44 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness in order to paint the exterior of the building at the above referenced property.
The applicant currently operates the restaurant at this location and is proposing to paint the exterior of the restaurant. The proposed colors are Behr Dynasty Marquee Collection Elemental Gray for the body of the building and the trim will be Behr Dynasty Marquee Collection Sparrow (light gray). The exterior of the restaurant is currently blue with yellow trim.