S&H 2-26-24

Scenic & Historic meeting

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FEBRUARY 26, 2024  4:00 PM





S&H Case No.: 03-24                                                                           Zone: S&H

318 Genesee Street                                                Cert. of Appropriateness

Applicant:  Brendan Marris

Owner:  Munson


In accordance with the requirements contained in Section 2-29-44 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness in order make exterior improvements at the Fountain Elms property.


Fountain Elms is in need of an exterior renovation to complete repairs to mainly wooden components that have significantly deteriorated over time.  The repairs will be limited to the front porch, the roof parapet, and the railing sections above the first floor windows facing Genesee Street.  An additional option for repairs to the pergola porch on the second floor (north side of the structure) will be required.  Balustrades at the upper roof, second floor bays, and pergola porch will be replaced with substitute materials.  Fiberglass has been chosen and historic recreations of the pieces will be completed with substitute materials.  The front portico will remain wood and will be restored.  All wood features on the Genesee Street side will be restored and a new coating will be applied.  Window restoration will take place maintaining all of the existing windows.  The masonry coating will be recoated.  All colors will match the existing historic characteristics. 


-Restoration of wood balustrades, stairs and decking and the front portico will remain wood.

-Historic recreation of all deteriorated balustrades will be replicated with fiberglass.

-Pergola wood to be restored, column and column base to be new substitute materials.


The project has received a “No Adverse Impact on historic and archaeological resources” letter from NYS division for Historic Preservation of the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP).