Scenic & Historic meeting
NOVEMBER 27, 2023 4:00 PM
S&H Case No.: 18-23 Zone: S&H
2042 Genesee Street Cert. of Appropriateness
Applicant: Manisha Bai Kethavath
Owner: Manisha Bai Kethavath
In accordance with the requirements contained in Section 2-29-44 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness in order to make exterior improvements at the above referenced property.
At the August 28, 2023 meeting of the Scenic and Historic Preservation Commission the applicant proposed to install white vinyl siding to the entire home. The applicant has stated that the clapboards are deteriorating. They have expressed concerns that bees have infiltrated the wood on the home in several locations. The siding will seal up any gaps or holes that are existing. The wood clapboards will remain on the house, the vinyl will be placed over the top of it. The Commission voted to approve the application as submitted, however, the applicant is now requesting to change the color of siding to Rivera Dusk blue color.
The applicant is also proposing to install vinyl white replacement windows to the entire house. This will take place in stages due to the expense of the windows. The windows will be wrapped with white aluminum.
S&H Case No.: 26-23 Zone: S&H
161 Pleasant Street Cert. of Appropriateness
Applicant: Frank Monaco
Owner: Frank Monaco
In accordance with the requirements contained in Section 2-29-44 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness in order to legitimize the construction of a carport at the above referenced property.
The applicant has constructed an 18’ x 20’ carport at the end of the driveway of the property. The height of the carport is 12 feet. Vinyl siding will be installed on the sides of the carport. A fence style gate has been installed in the front of the carport. The roof is a black 12 ml polypaper.
S&H Case No.: 27-23 Zone: S&H
1010 State Street/506 Mandeville Street Cert. of Appropriateness
Applicant: Raymond Alessandrini/Richard Panetta
Owner: Raymond Alessandrini
In accordance with the requirements contained in Section 2-29-44 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Utica, the applicant is seeking approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness in order to construct a garage at the above referenced property.
The applicant is proposing to construct an 18’ x 22’ 1 ½ stall garage on the 40’ x 55’ parcel which was previously consolidated with 506 Mandeville Street. The garage will face the 506 Mandeville property. The rear of the garage will be minimally visible from State Street. The garage will be sided in wood with the rear of the garage to be board and batten siding. The boards will be the same width as a proposed 6’ high fence with 6” slats. The fence and the garage will appear to be contiguous. The stain/paint will be a combination of grey and off white to match the house at 506 Mandeville Street.
The applicant will be required to receive an area variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals for the construction of the garage in a Neighborhood Mixed Use zoning district along with an area variance for the reduction of the required setback for a garage.