PB 7-21-22

Planning Board meeting

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Common Council Chambers

July 21, 2022 – 4:30 PM


PB Case No.:  05-19                                                               Zone:  Urban Mixed Use

Address:          80 Harbor Point Road                                     Requested Action:      SEQRA

Applicant:       City of Utica              

Owner:                        City of Utica  


In January 2020, the Planning Board issued a Negative Declaration under SEQRA for this Unlisted Action.  Since that time, the description of the project has changed.  Under the previously approved project, the City was proposing to utilize an existing 34” X 53” elliptical storm sewer pipe which was constructed by NYS DOT in 1986.  The revised project calls for the use of an existing 48” diameter storm sewer pipe that was constructed by MVHS in 2020.


Additionally, under the previously approved project, the existing junction chamber that is just north of the Railroad Interceptor was to be rebuilt with a new pipe, approximately 300’ in length.  The revised project calls for two new 36” diameter pipes to be constructed instead, each being approximately 200’ in length.


Environmental Facilities Corporation, which is funding a portion of the project, has asked that the Planning Board undertake a new coordinated review for SEQRA in light of the change to the project.


A Short Environmental Assessment Form (SEAF) has been submitted.



PB Case No.: 08-22                                                   Zone: Planned Development

Address:          County tax ID # 306.020-1-12            Requested Action: Subdivision Approval

Applicant:       Utica Harbor Point Development Corp.        

Owner:            Utica Harbor Point Development Corp.


Pursuant to the City of Utica Zoning Code, the applicant is seeking Subdivision Approval for a proposed project at the aforementioned address.


Per State legislation that was enacted in 2008, the applicant recently took title to land around the Utica Harbor that was historically owned by the State of New York.  The master plan for the Harbor calls for private redevelopment of much of the land.  To that end, the applicant is in discussion with a private developer for the existing building located at the southern end of the Harbor (colloquially referred to as the ‘1933 Building’) and the now-vacant land that lies immediately west of the building to Lee Street.


The applicant is seeking subdivision approval of the larger parcel to create two lots (#’s 1 and 2 on the attached survey) that are intended for private redevelopment and a third lot that will likely be deeded to the City of Utica, upon acceptance by the Common Council, as necessary for that portion of Lee Street to be a public right-of-way.


As this proposed subdivision was contemplated as part of the Generic Environmental Impact Statement that was completed for this project in 2016, no further review of this proposed request under SEQRA is required.




PB Case No.:  09-22                                     Zone:                           Central Business District

Address:          Carton Avenue                        Requested Action:      Recommendation

Applicant:       City of Utica

Owner:            City of Utica


Pursuant to Section 2-29-21(b)(6) of the Zoning Ordinance and Section 27(14)(a) of General Cities Law, the  Common Council is seeking a recommendation from the Planning Board relative to a proposal to discontinue Carton Avenue in its entirety from its intersection with State Street to its intersection with LaFayette Street.


As part of the master plan for the new Wynn Hospital campus, several City streets were proposed to be either modified or outright eliminated.  In the plan, the proposed public parking garage being constructed by Oneida County is slated to be located on the block bounded by Oriskany Boulevard as well as LaFayette, Cornelia and State Streets.  As such, Carton Avenue will cease to exist, thereby necessitating discontinuance as a public right-of-way by the Common Council.



PB Case No.:  10-22                                       Zone:                           Central Business District

Address:          Cornelia Street                        Requested Action:      Recommendation

Applicant:       City of Utica

Owner:            City of Utica


Pursuant to Section 2-29-21(b)(6) of the Zoning Ordinance and Section 27(14)(a) of General Cities Law, the  Common Council is seeking a recommendation from the Planning Board relative to a proposed discontinuance of a portion of Cornelia Street from its intersection with State Street to its intersection with LaFayette Street.


As part of the master plan for the new Wynn Hospital campus, several City streets were proposed to be either modified or outright eliminated.  In the plan, one of the main entrances/exits from the proposed public parking garage being constructed by Oneida County is to Cornelia Street.  As such, Cornelia Street has been proposed to become a private drive, thereby necessitating discontinuance as a public right-of-way by the Common Council.



PB Case No.:  11-22                                            Zone:                           Central Business District

Address:          LaFayette Street                           Requested Action:      Recommendation

Applicant:       City of Utica

Owner:            City of Utica


Pursuant to Section 2-29-21(b)(6) of the Zoning Ordinance and Section 27(14)(a) of General Cities Law, the  Common Council is seeking a recommendation from the Planning Board relative to a proposed discontinuance of a portion of LaFayette Street from its intersection with Broadway to its intersection with State Street.


As part of the master plan for the new Wynn Hospital campus, several City streets were proposed to be either modified or outright eliminated.  In the plan, one of the main entrances/exits from the proposed public parking garage being constructed by Oneida County is to Cornelia Street.  Access to that section of Cornelia Street will be from LaFayette Street between Broadway and Cornelia Street.  As such, LaFayette Street has also been proposed to become a private drive from Broadway to Cornelia, thereby necessitating discontinuance as a public right-of-way by the Common Council.


Additionally, the section of LaFayette Street between State Street and Cornelia (approximately) is proposed to be a pedestrian walkway between the new Hospital and the public parking garage.  Therefore, this section must also be discontinued as a public right-of-way.