Utica and New Hartford Join Forces

To Celebrate July 4th Holiday

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Utica and New Hartford Join Forces to Celebrate July 4th Holiday  


Utica Mayor Robert Palmieri, Town of New Hartford Supervisor Paul Miscione, and Village of New Hartford Mayor Donald Ryan today announced a collaborative community initiative in celebration of Independence Day.


The schedule of 4th of July events is as follows;


Thursday, July 4, 11:00am Regional Independence Day Parade


Thursday, July 4, 6pm Party in the Park at F.T. Proctor Park, Utica


Friday, July 5, 6pm Party in the Park at Sherrill Brook Park, New Hartford


The logistics for each event is below:




Thursday, July 4, 2019 – 11:00am


The parade will start on Genesee Street in front of Our Lady of Lourdes Church in south Utica.  New this year - the parade will travel “south” on Genesee Street to the Village of New Hartford, ending at the New Hartford Recreation Center at Mill St. and Oxford Road. The new parade route is the same distance as previous parades.


Online registration is set to open on April 1st. There is no fee to participate, all are welcome - businesses, local groups, sports teams, scouts, dance groups, seniors, musical groups, local police and fire and much more.




Thursday, July 4, 2019 – 6:00pm to 10:00pm

F.T. Proctor Park, Utica, NY


The event will include food trucks and local vendors, entertainment by local bands, beer/wine, rides and fireworks by American Fireworks.




Friday, July 5, 2019 – 6:00pm to 10:00pm

Sherrill Brook Park, New Hartford, NY


This event will also include food trucks and local vendors, entertainment by local bands, rides and fireworks by American Fireworks. 


The parade and both park celebrations will be organized and run by The Genesis Group.


Utica Mayor Robert Palmieri stated, “It is important all municipalities work together for the betterment of our community.  I am pleased the City of Utica, the Town and Village of New Hartford and the Genesis Group were able to partner and coordinate family friendly events for our residents.   


New Hartford Town Supervisor Paul Miscione stated, “This will be an extraordinary event” being able to celebrate Independence Day with our neighboring cities and villages. This shows how strong our region is when people work together.  Mayor Palmieri has been a great ally for The Town New Hartford this past year working on many shared services projects and programs with us.”


New Hartford Village Mayor Donald Ryan stated, ““The Village of New Hartford is excited to partner with the City of Utica, Town of New Hartford and the Genesis Group to bring this event to the residents of our community. It is truly what our fore fathers had in mind for our Independence Day celebration.”


Genesis Group Executive Director Raymond J. Durso, Jr. stated, “This will truly be a regional event.  We've been organizing Utica's parade and fireworks for the past several years. To now work with New Hartford and offer a 2-day event is a real benefit for residents and the community.”