WEBVTT 1 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:00:06.090 --> 00:00:14.819 Okay, okay so I'm calling the meeting to order is anyone everybody had the chance to review the minutes of. I let me. 2 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:00:16.139 --> 00:00:19.739 And I get a motion to approve those minutes on the. 3 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:00:21.390 --> 00:00:35.400 A, 2nd, so move back to old business Jack you want to start off? I'm sure we have 2 final resolution. Okay. Hang on you. You guys have quote. 4 "linda romano" (3965049600) 00:00:35.400 --> 00:00:39.480 All those in favor oh, oh, okay. All in favor. Bye. 5 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:00:39.480 --> 00:00:43.770 Thank you thank you. 6 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:00:43.770 --> 00:00:50.970 Okay, so, um, both of the, uh, impact, um. 7 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:00:50.970 --> 00:00:55.320 Uh, projects for both chancellor apartments in broad 3 departments. 8 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:00:55.320 --> 00:01:07.680 Uh, need final authorizing resolution, so I'm going to take 10 chancellor 1st, read through the description here and then we can vote and then move on to broad stream. You here too. 9 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:01:07.680 --> 00:01:12.000 Consider a final authorizing resolution relating to the impact Utica. 10 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:01:12.505 --> 00:01:23.995 Chancellor broad LLC, chancellor apartments, facility, improving financial assistance in the form of exemptions from sales tax valued at 875,000 dollars in real property tax abatement valued at 5,784,640 dollars, 11 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:01:23.995 --> 00:01:34.585 which financial assistance is deviation from the agency's uniform tax exemption policy. hundred and forty dollars which financial assistance is deviation from the agency's uniform tax exemption policy 12 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:01:34.950 --> 00:01:39.750 And authorizing the form and execution of related documents, subject to council review. 13 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:01:41.310 --> 00:01:44.400 Do we need emotions before we go? Yes. 14 "linda romano" (3965049600) 00:01:44.400 --> 00:01:48.390 Now, a 2nd, okay all in favor aye. 15 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:01:48.390 --> 00:01:59.400 Post pass. Okay. Moving on to, uh, old business, uh, B, impact Utica, chancellor broad. 16 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:01:59.400 --> 00:02:13.110 The broad 3 departments consider a final authorizing resolution relating to the impact Utica, Chancellor, broad LLC, broad street departments, facility, approving financial assistance in the form of exemptions from sales tax valued at. 17 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:02:13.110 --> 00:02:17.340 1,750,000 dollars in real property tax agreement. 18 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:02:17.340 --> 00:02:24.990 Valued at 7,090,664 dollars, which financial assistance is a, is a deviation from the. 19 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:02:24.990 --> 00:02:32.490 agency's uniform, tax exemption policy and authorizing the form and execution of related documents subject to council review. 20 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:02:32.490 --> 00:02:44.070 Can I get a motion to approve them final authorization? And so now I'll 2nd all in favor. Aye opposed. 21 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:02:44.070 --> 00:02:58.980 Okay, moving on to C Johnson part green living LLC accepting the amendments of the application materials relating to the Johnson park green, green living facility. 22 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:02:58.980 --> 00:03:05.100 If you recall, we had, I had previously sent this information around to everybody. 23 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:03:05.100 --> 00:03:09.030 And there was no, I don't believe any questions at that time. 24 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:03:11.905 --> 00:03:23.065 Can I get a motion to go ahead? I don't think we need a resolution for this. This is really just noting for the record that you could have accepted the amended application materials. 25 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:03:23.125 --> 00:03:30.955 And I believe Jack has posted them to the public website for the. Okay. Yeah, I included them right into the, uh. 26 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:03:31.440 --> 00:03:37.470 Uh, application Yep. Okay. Uh. 27 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:03:37.470 --> 00:03:40.560 I don't have any new necessarily new business. 28 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:03:40.560 --> 00:03:45.810 But I would ask that we go into executive session to discuss. 29 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:03:45.810 --> 00:03:50.610 To discuss discuss part pardon me? Uh, pending litigation. 30 "linda romano" (3965049600) 00:03:50.610 --> 00:03:56.400 Before you go into that, you have to adjourn the regular session. 31 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:03:58.380 --> 00:04:02.070 Most of the June regular session motion 2, Jen. 32 "linda romano" (3965049600) 00:04:03.300 --> 00:04:09.630 Now, motion to go into executive motion to go into executive. So. 33 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:04:09.630 --> 00:04:16.500 I was like I said, oh. 34 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:04:16.500 --> 00:04:21.570 All right Jack turn off the recording. Yep. 35 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:04:21.570 --> 00:04:25.170 You have that press chapter just moved it. 36 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:04:28.559 --> 00:04:41.759 Okay, so we've come out of the executive session. We have no more business before us. Can I get a motion to adjourn to adjourn all in favor? Aye aye opposed. 37 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (3798225920) 00:04:41.759 --> 00:04:47.352 So, good, thank you. Everyone. Yep, you're welcome.