WEBVTT 1 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:20.000 On their plans, everybody knows that 33 buildings a little bit stalled because of the you want to get some flood improvement dollars there before development, before private development because kind of the you know the cost of doing development in the flood plane, that building requires. 2 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:38.220 Raising the floor, changing mechanical electrical to for to commeet with the blood plane regulations. Basically, the building's at four oh four and a half elevation, blood plane regulations and the city required finished floor to be at 04:13, so. 3 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:00:38.220 --> 00:00:58.220 That building needs a lot of, it needs a preliminary flood plate improvement program and then we can be look at developer actions, but we've got some, we're looking at some grants, you know, you could harborder they literally have to raise the building for not to raise the building rate we're. There's 22 ft. 4 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:00:58.220 --> 00:01:26.690 They can raise the floor, it'll probably only be raised to 4th might not go all the way to four it won't go all the way to 04:13, could be 04:11, could be four oh eight or something but we would have to get a state variance, but we would improve the flooring in the building, raise it up so it wouldn't be impacted by all, you know, storm attacks. I mean they're gonna be presenting the floor between so. 5 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:01:26.690 --> 00:01:46.500 When the water drains out in case we don't get that high? Well, you, you have to put in you you have to allow the water to go underneath and equalize in all sites, so there would be fun vents if you want to call them piping through the through the fill or you know through the concrete would be low density fill that would go the raise the building tool, you know. 6 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:01:46.500 --> 00:02:05.340 But that, Yeah so anyway, that that we're looking for a couple million dollars to do those improvements ahead of a developer you know improvement. We've been waiting on that for like right we we've put in for pro housing, grant with the city, well actually with the PowerPoint development, we didn't get it. 7 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:02:05.340 --> 00:02:25.340 There's some new flood mitigation grants coming out, a couple different ones from the state. We'll be looking at those. So we're gonna keep keep trying. This is just gonna sit until we get some type of grant? Yeah, and hopefully a grant, if not, I mean the mayor has been interested in moving that along too at some point if if. 8 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:02:25.340 --> 00:02:48.390 The grants are not possible, so, you know, I don't, you know, we were gonna try to put another round of grants 1st. But that's the so that's the event, that's the three building. And what Rob's gonna what MBG is coming in today is like they don't they still want to do the new build next week. So what we've started to do was subdivide that parcel between 33 buildings in a separate parcel. 9 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:02:48.390 --> 00:03:05.100 And the parcels next to it are available to be sold for the new MBG development. And they'll, they'll give you the full breakdown, but they're talking about couple stories with the bottom floor parking because of the flood plane, second floor. 10 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:03:05.100 --> 00:03:25.100 I I think they're talking about a few restaurants now in 2nd. I'm not sure if there's other uses but Rob's coming in to give a little overview. They've invested a few hundred thousand into architects and design and moving their project right along. One other question. I'm sure they can answer, but if you guys. 11 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:03:25.100 --> 00:03:46.680 Are they gonna connected building? There there there's some issues with from shipple on connection where you know physical connection. I think they'll look at ways to make that connection maybe, you know, through a covered corridor or some, you know, at some point, you know. 12 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:03:46.680 --> 00:04:04.860 Something that doesn't, it's not a structure addition to the three three building, yeah. But you know, you're asking those kind of questions, you know, sure. Well the governor came out with her big push that away. 13 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:04:04.860 --> 00:04:24.630 So she's allocated a bunch of money for these types of projects, so hopefully you know we got the right yeah time of year to be applied to the right year with her focused on the bond deck is has a lot of dollars where that. 14 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:04:24.630 --> 00:04:44.630 That's what it's for, you know, resiliency spending, you know, so there this is we should be able to access some of those dollars anybody in the governor's there? Ash does a lot of lobbying yeah and I would imagine the mayor would be, you know, so. 15 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:04:44.630 --> 00:05:08.359 So as far as this, this figure this shows the properties that they eventually would buy and can that's where the and that's where the MVG development would new build would come. So there was a letter of interest executed between the LBC and what was the sales plan. 16 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:05:08.359 --> 00:05:34.069 Right, there was either appraisal was for an entirety footprint with the with the 33 buildings so I I don't remember the total appraisal, but I know it's ended up at a hundred and 87522. Yeah. So I believes on an acre basis is a hundred. 17 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:05:34.069 --> 00:06:00.229 1807 that includes that includes both parcels, the banking parcels, 1933. Well, the original appraisal had the whole the whole thing. The letter of interest reflect 1807, does that reflect that's the original the original submittal had 2.9 acres of it. The interest, The only portion, they're still interested in redeveloping event center once it. 18 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:06:00.229 --> 00:06:20.229 But right now this would be broken up and it would go from, it would be 1.45 acres that they would be interested in the. Is that 1.45? And that that appraisal was done before they announced. 19 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:06:20.229 --> 00:06:45.199 That with regards to Patel, and it's a 2022 appraisal. So my question is to to me as a developer, I think that's shy. I don't think that's a realistic number as I said here in 2025 knowing that's going to develop a parcing the hotels. So what kind of dialogue, if any has this agency or the city of Juica? 20 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:06:45.199 --> 00:07:09.499 And with withins to our commitment seller for a hundred and $87000 today. So you're gonna walk in here with the assumption that he's got a deal for this parcel for a hundred and $87000? I believe that's their current understanding, but I I don't know the chairman, that's oh we haven't had a real praise. Yeah, so we can't solve it for lots of praise about it. 21 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:07:09.499 --> 00:07:40.429 Understood. But that that's that's my point. I just hope that people haven't given him the impression that a 22 agreement is binding in 25. That that's that's my point because I I'd be shocked if he's not walking in here with the understanding that he's paying a hundred and $87000 for this parcel or breaker. So he's he's paying 250 grand or whatever it maybe. You know, there's only got only made so much water furniture. 22 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:07:40.429 --> 00:08:00.739 The water frontage has value that exceeds what a a normal marketplace has. Keep in mind as a board we thought the same thing relative to DSA one and when we did a repre a second appraisal, it came in actually lower than the 1st one we did. Yeah, and and yeah and but do you believe enhanced value is. 23 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:08:00.739 --> 00:08:20.739 Result of what's gonna take place on a joining party. I do, but I did before too. We have to go through the exercise. Yeah, and we have to apprise them that that we have to go through that exercise and we can't make any commitments as it pertains to the value until such time is. 24 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:08:20.739 --> 00:08:51.079 Update the appraised I can give you a hundred. I'll write a check from the NHA for a hundred and 87 as long as you give you guys I'll buy it right now. Well, is there any motion on the table? Okay, yeah, let me And again I'm a concern I'm not I'm not have the ability to talk numbers with developers that's the chairman. I don't anyway, I do there's important. 25 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:08:51.079 --> 00:09:14.179 More information on this. So, through Mister's live being efforts in albany, they, he secured, he secured for the point development Corporation, a daisy grant of 1.5 million. That money right now is going to help the pad ready site. 26 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:09:14.179 --> 00:09:32.219 At the on this this 1.45 acre parcel. So right now this is where this parcel is is exactly where Mohawk River passed through Unicav. So when this Oxbo, when this ox was built, Oxpo was filled. 27 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:09:32.219 --> 00:09:52.219 And the river moved. You have the worst and softest soils in the city, probably on this parcel. So understanding the difficulties in geotechnical, this grant for pad ready grant helps it will address the geotechnical issues at the at the site. 28 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:09:52.219 --> 00:10:13.109 Grade level pad or ground improvement to allow for the weight of that structure to be at this parcel. So the so there's a dasy grant that will address that ground improvement. Also due to the remainder of the utility ex utility extensions, water sewer. 29 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:10:13.109 --> 00:10:31.739 To the pad ready site. So, that Desney Grant is the paperwork went in not grant, not a joint agreement paperwork, but project information paperwork went back to went back to Mary on Buttonshawn's office. 30 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:10:31.739 --> 00:10:51.419 That's being looked at, but every indication is that that is gonna come through. If that work comes through, it'll be done as approved it will be done this summer if financing could be secured and sale could be ready for fall. 31 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:10:51.419 --> 00:11:07.619 For the for the 1.51 .45 acres to MBG. So, so we have to advance and start on the reimbursement basis done on a reimbursement basis. Yeah, how are we gonna advance it if we don't have any money? 32 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:11:07.619 --> 00:11:24.929 The budget says we're in the negative of a million seven. Yeah, great. 33 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:11:24.929 --> 00:11:44.929 I got a question. Let's say that the the ground is just gonna cost too much to make it strong enough. Is there enough room behind that where you can build? We don't own that. It has to be done at LDC. 34 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:11:44.929 --> 00:12:05.699 What Alicy currently owns is what shaded and other 33 parcel plus the shaded parcel then who owns it? Those two parcels are one of them is one of them is visions and the other one is the back of nicky doodles. 35 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:12:05.699 --> 00:12:25.699 Which MVG? Well they own both of them anyway. In the event. But to your point, I think the 1.5 million estimate was based on engineering studies that were done that what the Yes, what the solution was and how much yeah that solution costs. 36 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:12:25.699 --> 00:12:50.089 It's very costly solution. We are we are it's being looked at and you know there's a couple different options that may save money going from steel piles to woodpiles or doing the ground improvement procedure where they actually go in and right they kind of auggered all these holes and, and improved the ground to a certain depth and. 37 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:12:50.089 --> 00:13:00.209 Allows you to do a surface pack without piles. If they could save a lot of money and it's their land, I'm surprised they don't want to go behind it. 38 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:13:00.209 --> 00:13:20.209 Anyway, well, that's the waterprise yeah yeah and and the rest of it, I mean we'll probably let them talk about because you know it's being built to flood standards so that there it's a building with parking on the bottom so and 2nd floor is at 04:13 which meets the flood ordinate. 39 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:13:20.209 --> 00:13:40.849 So they're they're doing it in a way that where are the utilities from? Utilities are they would just need to come across. It's really just redoing the laterals through here cause they already, there's a water and sewer right here, you know, in the that we did it's behind the prominent though? We're not gonna have to dig up the promind. No, NO. Yeah I. 40 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:13:40.849 --> 00:14:01.529 Yeah. So between the prom and the 1933 correct yeah we'll probably bring them in the backside of three three. Yes. Okay yeah so every any any questions before? What's that. 41 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:14:01.529 --> 00:14:18.779 The collateral building on one of the sketches that they have. They look on their proposal. Oh, that seems that just. 42 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:14:18.779 --> 00:14:38.779 Oh, pretty fair. Behind a hotel or oh that's probably yeah that's that was just future thinking big I guess. Okay, that's that looks somewhere cookies is, so that was, that was maybe an idea at one point, but you can ask yeah. 43 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:14:38.779 --> 00:14:55.589 Yeah. Oh, kind of need but yeah that that's where cookies queue is currently, right? So. 44 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:14:55.589 --> 00:15:15.589 Any other questions? I like the way you phrased it but it came to the LDC but for a parcel that he's gonna develop. Well, it's, it's a nice way to circumvent the reality of its. Well, let me let me just say this though. I'm both on a certain. 45 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:15:15.589 --> 00:15:39.289 63 building and you know this this this pant has tremendously effect of all handicaps. The 33 building has one handicaps. So the, so it's it's you know yeah how's everything? How are you? I'm sorry. 46 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:15:39.289 --> 00:16:01.729 Hey Brian. Hey Bron. Hello. So there's two so you know. 47 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:16:01.729 --> 00:16:11.378 Bob and Melanie, Linda, Yvonne, Alicia, and this just was connected to them. Hey guys. 48 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:16:11.378 --> 00:16:20.336 Yeah. But that would be Lisa Jacks. Lisa. Yes, Alicia. How are you? Sorry Lisa. 49 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:16:20.336 --> 00:16:39.439 We got a new plan. So, so what I did was one talked about the original submittal I didn't get deep into your changes but I I talked about as far as the new build, you know, we haven't moved off the concept very often very fun. Yeah. We talked about. 50 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:16:39.439 --> 00:17:01.399 Update and then I just briefed them on the day of the grant what that means for the pad ready and everything so yeah so I guess, yeah, I guess current plans I guess from where we last left, we were always kind of waiting to figure out cause a lot of the planning was. 51 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:17:01.399 --> 00:17:23.839 Making it you know being able to accept the flood with the new female flood planes and that presented a challenge with development obviously, I think you know to anybody, everybody knows like right now with building material, labor costs, interest rates are just very tough to pull these projects off. And they were tough to pull off, you know, years ago, we're starting down this path event. 52 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:17:23.839 --> 00:17:44.989 Getting a lot of incremental costs to elevating the four of the 33 building, throwing piles, pile caps, and foundations into the new build as well. In the course of time, our company went out, we got a grant from ESD for 1.25 million. 53 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:17:44.989 --> 00:18:04.989 Portion of a member item and stuff with you folks for 1.5 million to for the new build, which would be essentially waiting for the 33 to kind of sort itself out a little bit with the state which in all intents and purpose seems like it's in a good spot to do. 54 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:18:04.989 --> 00:18:36.779 Want to get involved in it. I am more of the anxious type that wants to get going and I really would love to get in the ground to spring. Paul and I know Ben and I have spoken on the urgency to do that. I think we have a good game plan. We have anchored tenants which are three tenants. The only one I'll speak to is Acabino because I can't I don't want to speak about the other two but two other restaurants that would move in there to that 1st floor and right now. 55 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:18:36.779 --> 00:18:55.469 Preliminarily, we're looking at how big that footprint is based off of geotech borings and seeing, you know, are we going with steel filings, wood filings, and are we able to do landscaping around that, which all affects it? 56 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:18:55.469 --> 00:19:15.469 And I think that's really where we're at on that, that 1st grand. I mean, we have a great game plan I feel together. I feel fits into everything we talked about. It debates a little bit on the fact that, you know, we'd be doing the new construction 1st and then the 33 building. The good part about the 33 building though in this. 57 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:19:15.469 --> 00:19:38.449 Scenario is it's a building that's already, it's already ready to go. I mean, you're, you're literally talking about demo, and keeping the bones the same, bringing back to the vernacular of what it was intended years ago, which would be you know basically all glass, event center, all the stuff that we talked about in the RFI years and years ago now. 58 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:19:38.449 --> 00:20:01.099 But in saying that I think we have the banks, we have the private equity, we have our own company involved and you know we're just moving through the plants. In the perfect world, I think, you know, Paul would have a better answer on this, but in the perfect world I would be hoping to get into the the ground sometime in the spring. At this point obviously looks like, you know. 59 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:20:01.099 --> 00:20:22.849 The later portion of spring. Running that whole process through getting the the pilings pads and everything and us taking over in August or September possibly October and then starting the new build up. And on top of the commercial I probably skipped over that would be about 54 units, market rate. 60 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:20:22.849 --> 00:20:38.069 Housing modern housing. I think it's something that I mean, you're the authority on this stuff, but I think it is something that we can provide the dovetails into the city of the pretty well for that type of modernized apartment living. 61 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:20:38.069 --> 00:20:58.069 So I mean we have been working diligently on it. You know, obviously there's nothing that we're doing that is that you can see but as Paul can attest to, you know, we've we've spent a lot of money so far continuing down the path of finalizing the prints. We aren't going with I think this might have deviated a little bit. 62 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:20:58.069 --> 00:21:22.099 We're not going with historic tax credits. The problem with that with 33 building one where we've separated them all together now. But you guys already have it in the purchase agreement with our company that we have to abide by shippo and get those checks and balances. When you shift over to NPS though, national Park Services, what, what happens is that building. 63 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:21:22.099 --> 00:21:42.949 Couldn't go higher than 33 building, which is obviously presents a economies of scale problem to try and finance it. So that doesn't really make sense. Right now it's about it's four stories. The 1st floor would be parking, so all the tenants would be on the 1st floor, 2nd floor, which would be. 64 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:21:42.949 --> 00:22:02.129 The grade level coming down to the property that we own towards cookies, that would be where the restaurants would go. Occavino being one of them that would be to the north side and then two others middle and East or middle and south. And then three floors of residential. So. 65 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:22:02.129 --> 00:22:19.619 But I think, you know, the renderings you guys are looking at are a little bit dated, and we'll be obviously modifying that significantly. Those monthly. Yeah, so this was when Dave and I didn't was Dave on the call? 66 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:22:19.619 --> 00:22:35.129 No, NO. So Dave Benachi and I did this years and years ago. So this one gets renovated back to its historic state. The parking remains the same. We were just doing a restaurant here. Now we're adding three floors on top of that for residential. 67 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:22:35.129 --> 00:22:55.129 Yes yep and on the other side of it, on the flip side, you got cookies on the Genesis street side, you basically we're trying to create a path to taper down to cookies where we bring in the field. That way people are walking into a restaurant instead of going up an elevator into. 68 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:22:55.129 --> 00:23:16.079 The restaurant. So that's, that's actually our I think at this point it's probably our biggest challenge right now. It's not a challenge, we'll get around it. We'll figure out how to do it. You know, I've been working with Paul on this quite a bit the last few weeks, but that's in a nutshell you know, I don't know if I missed anything. 69 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:23:16.079 --> 00:23:36.079 Or if there's any questions or probably gonna be coming for the idea for help on this. I don't know what we're doing. So Kirk stepped up, so Kirk is one of the Kirk Himman is one of the investor in the comments, he's one of the owners with Mohawk Belly garden. He worked on the county ID. 70 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:23:36.079 --> 00:23:55.799 Okay, so we might actually be going with the county. I don't know that yet because he's not on the board anymore. And he asked me, he said that he walked through it before is Jackie and Mike that were now basically you and Mike you know set it up. I don't know if there's a better path to do that or not. I don't know if it's six one it's just, you know, that was a big problem with. 71 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:23:55.799 --> 00:24:15.799 Andy's getting his put together and at the right time so yeah and I talked to Sean on it and it seemed like Kirk kind of wanted to take the lead on that and that's a little bit out of my wheelhouse I don't to be quite truthful it's not something I get very heavily involved in, but whatever programs are out there We'll becomes. 72 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:24:15.799 --> 00:24:38.869 Like next week. Yeah I'll talk to him a little bit. Okay, yeah. I actually think we're in a great space quite honestly I'm excited about it. We got our end lined up. I do think it's gonna get a little funky, you know, just on how things flow, you know, cause there's, you know, your guys's end of it and our end of it. We're basically, you know, you guys. 73 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:24:38.869 --> 00:25:10.259 Some point we're gonna hand it off to us, we'll purchase it and then build up so that that might get a little walking sure Bob can address all that stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, and then what we would do, yeah, I I mean we we've got a good break point, right? So the the because there's a the instructural engineer will have the documents for a pad ready whatever great level pad and then this this consultant team will be the oversight, you know, construction management oversight on the pad. 74 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:25:10.259 --> 00:25:25.439 You know, system, but, yeah, we just, you know, there will be, we'll have to introduce the structural engineer to, you know, for a contract engineer owner contract at some point down the road here, but. 75 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:25:25.439 --> 00:25:40.499 You know, we we have I guess an organizational charge of how that would flow. Rob, you're gonna put the right side here, you're gonna put parking underneath? Yeah, so what happens if this flood thing you keep talking about? 76 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:25:40.499 --> 00:26:00.499 Oh, that gonna be a problem? Well, NO, that's actually, so what would happen, I mean obviously the cars would be an issue. Right. Yeah, but it's notable, the biggest reason that we ran into the issues was, you know, ensuring it. Right. So that though it's only gonna be pillars and pardoning, so if it was, you're just cleaning it out. 77 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:26:00.499 --> 00:26:27.139 Yeah, you get the cars out of there, but if we had contents in it, so we were before we were just building it up, paying for all that to build it up and then starting from there up. So this, this is a better system I think that Dave came up with this is a while ago, but we've st we've maintained and stayed with the same thing, but that can be flooded now. The, the 33 building has to come up significantly you know inside you know inside the building that that far when we. 78 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:26:27.139 --> 00:26:57.499 Do that, that's gonna have to come up significantly too, nothing under anything. Yeah, yeah. I mean it's it's gonna be it's gonna be responsible for anything if it floods. Well then we're done. Look, yeah, the private development is not responsible and the 33 you know the the working models we do the the flood improvements and then sell it. Yeah, yeah. So I'll be responsible for flooding moving forward, yeah? 79 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:26:57.499 --> 00:27:17.499 Yeah, I mean it is obviously a pain now like your point, you're gonna have to get the good news about that is like the the Mohawk doesn't flood like you know right you know you you there's an early warning system and everything else, you know when it's gonna come up so you guys. 80 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:27:17.499 --> 00:27:37.169 Okay, alright well the good thing you got your shop in. Yeah, I And honestly like I think we gotta. 81 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:27:37.169 --> 00:27:57.169 I mean, it'll, it'll always be a challenge when anything flies as you guys are well more, you know more about it than I do, but we're comfortable with where it's at. It did take a while for us to get there. Insurance was an issue. The banks were an issue you know so it did take a while, I think the biggest hang up really I think was just kind of waiting for. 82 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:27:57.169 --> 00:28:26.059 We all put in for that restore new York grant, right, Brian, and I think, you know, we kind of waited for that, waited for that, but we've always been in a position and now I think it's great when Maryanne did and I think it's great with the what the state did just recently and it helps us out it gets us to where we need to get to so and I do think it's, you know, the other thing that, you know, we're gonna be not creating this in the background as you're well aware, we're gonna be bringing the actual renderings and things. 83 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:28:26.059 --> 00:28:50.599 Things like that you know checking and over with Paul, bringing it back to you, so there's a lot of, there's a lot of, you know, variation that still has to happen in it, but you know, I think we're in a good spot, very good spot. Would you mind saying how much you invested so far in design? Well, a hundred and 28 and then now 3601. So everything together will be almost have to go ahead, so I don't know. 84 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:28:50.599 --> 00:29:12.809 We gotta, you know, on the half a million we're probably 260 there and we spent about two 60 on the half a million. A lot of that in fairness, you know, is probably my constructive and patients got me going down the road, you know, with this design which costs the money that, you know, we didn't utilizing. 85 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:29:12.809 --> 00:29:29.159 You know, but we had all the the geotechnical reports done, we've got CME retained, we have structural engineer, you know, the architects, everything's you know, well if you're gonna go to another three stories out there, you're really gonna have to make sure that. 86 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:29:29.159 --> 00:29:46.829 The area right here that you're gonna do all the work on to be pretty solid. Yeah, and I think that that is the the main crux to it but you know I think it's gonna be heavy. 2023 is when we had the geo test for the geotechnical boring to be done. 87 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:29:46.829 --> 00:30:03.359 There were around 2220 4000 that we had. Dave spearheaded that Binachi spearheaded that. And then now we're just fitting the foundation or the actual pad on top of the caps and all that, so. 88 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:30:03.359 --> 00:30:20.909 Do those borings last, I mean, do you have to do them again? Now there's two years later? No, we asked on that. That was one of the things that I actually I brought up that question cause I don't know but I brought it up to Paul into our structural engineer and to the geotech leader. He said they're fine. 89 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:30:20.909 --> 00:30:40.909 You know, it's history I don't know that. It sinks, that's all I know. Yeah, you can, it goes through like butter just there's solid characteristics here so that you know you have to get a pile. 90 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:30:40.909 --> 00:30:57.569 Of 60 to 80 ft depending on the situation. So that's that's that's a unique situation. Okay. It is unique I think it presents a lot of challenges from a build. There's not yeah. 91 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:30:57.569 --> 00:31:14.459 How long would it take to complete the whole thing? By the time it comes over to us, you know, so depending on that 1st portion with you folks and Mary Ann, I think it's gonna be somewhere between 15 to 18 months. 92 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:31:14.459 --> 00:31:34.459 I'd like it to get closer to the 15, but it's gonna be somewhere based on the schedule that you laid out earlier, you'd be looking to start construction spring of 2026. Now we'd be looking this this year yeah like sometime I I really. 93 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:31:34.459 --> 00:31:59.629 Hands out this process 1st, right? Yeah, you mentioned that seeing the end of that around August September. We would literally look to close on the we I would like to go down a parallel path, this is my opinion that you know you guys tell me if I'm right or wrong, but I would like to go down a parallel path of closing, so when that's done, we're closing out with new folks on the purchase of it, and then we're seamlessly starting right on top. 94 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:31:59.629 --> 00:32:24.929 I mean there's definitely gonna be a little bit of a, you know, variation there and time whether it's a few weeks to week or two weeks, but I would fully like the goal is to go one as soon as that's done, we're going right up. So that's why I said it's you know August, September, October somewhere in that three month cycle is when we would wanna have the purchase agreement closed out on you know us retaining and us building. 95 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:32:24.929 --> 00:32:42.119 So with that said, I think that the next step would be, it might infect the dynamics have changed since you executed or we executed a letter of interest. We either revise a letter of interest so we define respected responsibility to scope. 96 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:32:42.119 --> 00:33:02.099 Timelines or you actually generate a development proposal. I would think it would be the fact that Rob has indicated that he wants to move ahead with speed here. So, I think that's next step is to is to. 97 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:33:02.099 --> 00:33:22.099 Bring it, bring that proposal that's to go to council. Oh, just George. So it's George but they've had conversations they work together has been a while. Okay. Bye bye. Bye. 98 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:33:22.099 --> 00:33:24.172 So that that. 99 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:33:24.172 --> 00:33:29.069 Can you hear? Yeah. And I and I think that. 100 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:33:29.069 --> 00:33:58.639 In reply to the fact that time is of the essence, that we contemplate with some type of special meeting, not waiting a month for purposes of acting on it if the parties are willing to work it to get a draft in front of us schedule a formal meeting or a special meeting and act on. Obviously it's gonna have almost contingencies and the state grants and things of that nature. 101 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:33:58.639 --> 00:34:04.673 How would you be looking at timelines with George to maybe get a draft of an agreement? Okay. 102 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:34:04.673 --> 00:34:11.232 Well, can you guys hear us? Yeah. Yes. Okay, hey, hey Rob, great. 103 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:34:11.232 --> 00:34:14.131 Great to see you guys and I were. 104 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:34:14.131 --> 00:34:24.629 Last time I saw you, you and your mother were serving us Yudica greens. Right. They still taste but I was there. 105 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:34:24.629 --> 00:34:40.739 So it was hard to hear I think that was Bob Kelly talking. So I know we had, I think just from the government side that the the board has an old letter of intent. 106 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:34:40.739 --> 00:34:56.519 We attempted to negotiate with with your attorney George an agreement. That project doesn't exist anymore. It sounds I I think Bob was suggesting and and I think I agree with this too would be. 107 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:34:56.519 --> 00:35:16.519 You know, submitting a new letter of intent with your planning, your timing schedule, exactly what you're gonna be constructing, the phasing, if there's any phasing, I'm weave in there how the Harbor Corps grant, the timing of that. I'm not sure I totally understand that piece, but I do. 108 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:35:16.519 --> 00:35:38.329 Understand that that your your sale and your construction would occur after the Harbor Corp completes the, you know, its infrastructure improvement. I I think if that's laid out in a letter of intent, then, then this board could then resolve to accept the letter of intent and authorize the. 109 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:35:38.329 --> 00:36:00.949 Negotiation of a, of a purchase sale agreement. I I think that would be, I I would think that would be the process and for this board, to remind everybody you know the the the public authority law desires that property to be be put out to bid whenever there's a contemplated disposition. There there's some. 110 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:36:00.949 --> 00:36:26.899 Some exceptions to that. You can do one off one off negotiations without otherwise going out to bid. That was the process, you know, back in O1II think there was some I can't totally remember, but it, but it really doesn't matter. Rob's before this board, and and trying to engage this board to negotiate the sale of the property and and that's fine. 111 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:36:26.899 --> 00:36:50.879 When you do a one off negotiation without going out the bid, there's some procedural hurdles. One is you automatically have to get, you have to get an appraisal of the property and then the board has to weigh the the sale price and compare that to the appraisal price. 112 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:36:50.879 --> 00:37:07.409 And if it's below the appraisal price, the board has to justify reasons why they're disposed why it's disposing of it for below a fair market value. That's, that's just a lot of procedure, but I I just want the board comfortable that. 113 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:37:07.409 --> 00:37:30.876 You can do one on negotiations. You don't, you don't have to go out for bids for everything. So for those members that weren't on the board four years ago, I I and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I just want you guys to be comfortable with, with what's contemplated here and and I'm letting you know it's it's permissible. So but I do think something we did a request for. 114 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:37:30.876 --> 00:37:33.395 Questions of interest, so we did go out to bid and. 115 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:37:33.395 --> 00:37:35.251 Lisa that. 116 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:37:35.251 --> 00:37:37.274 This is all before. 117 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:37:37.274 --> 00:38:12.199 It doesn't matter that that you know I because the projects change, but my point is it really doesn't it doesn't doesn't matter whenever we dispose the property you always do need that, that appraisal, so we do have to get an appraisal NO matter what leaves but I'm just pointing out whether, you know, that RFP was a request for expression of interest was, you know, four years old. It's little stale. So if anybody's going, well, how are we you know what's going on here? I'm just giving you comfort, you can do a one on negotiation with with Rob, with Rob's group that it's permissible. But, but I do think you need, you do need. 118 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:38:12.199 --> 00:38:41.978 Something, with that said, right, this board really needs something tangible like a new letter of intent with a proposal that all of you can, review, consider. And then I would think at you know at your next meeting you could resolve to accept the terms as expressed in the letter intent or or or maybe you want some back and forth before you have that meeting. Accept the LOI and then authorize the negotiation of a purchase sale agreement. 119 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:38:41.978 --> 00:39:00.480 So Rob, when can you get that to us? You know, you're kind of updating it, you know, just the letter of intent yeah. So we're gonna, we're gonna still do the letter of attack and then and then Bob, can you. 120 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:39:00.480 --> 00:39:18.060 Send the board what you know we're gonna have to do on our side so we can go down parallel paths so as Rob's putting together his offer, you know, we gotta get an appraisal, we gotta get a hold of. What do you think? We gotta do it, we gotta do it, so. 121 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:39:18.060 --> 00:39:34.860 Reach out to the the proposals or the the awards from? Yeah, the application has already been sent to these guys last week to Marianne I've been calling Marianne to make sure that. 122 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:39:34.860 --> 00:39:50.130 They have it because the other end of that is going to be the financing piece that I know that you're already working on, you know, be able to, you know, front the money before it gets reimbursed obviously most of those grants require us to go out for RFPs. 123 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:39:50.130 --> 00:40:10.130 And and seek bids for purposes of the the work that has to be done. Oh, that's that's that's not that's not a short time frame. I would be publicly bids right right for construction yeah and so those are the things, yeah, we should get a list of what. 124 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:40:10.130 --> 00:40:34.100 Mr. Chair that we should schedule schedule a meeting two weeks from now. And while he might not have his proposal done, I think there's enough enough other pieces in terms of parallel paths to be talking about understanding the grants and and the processes associated with that. If if in fact we're all on board for purposes of expediting this, I I think that we have to have some regular meetings moving forward to. 125 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:40:34.100 --> 00:40:56.000 Sure that we're meeting milestones. Yeah, and I think you know that like to echo what Bob's saying I mean, I I all along I know some of you folks have been here the whole time. I know Brian and Paul know the best about it. I fully envision this, you know, the same way you guys did where it was the audit authority. Like in my head, you guys are your own entity, There's money, it's going the same. 126 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:40:56.000 --> 00:41:14.430 Exact way that we did stuff with the auditority it's gonna be publicly bid, you know, the rfp's got to go out for all that. That's, that's the part where I'm saying like August, September October, I know how we operated with the auditority and how we were able to get this portion done. And it is wonky to Bob's point and it can get a little. 127 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:41:14.430 --> 00:41:32.280 You know, cumbersome at times, I think that's the part where, you know, before we can pick up and go, we'll have to have, you know, kind of we're, we're at the mercy of you folks I guess is what I'm saying until we can get going at this point. And I think you're right maybe in a couple weeks and then maybe we set up a committee. 128 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:41:32.280 --> 00:41:48.060 So that we're not meeting every two weeks as a board to move this along. And maybe maybe why if in fact we could have that meeting in two weeks, have the opportunity to consult the PSD to understand. 129 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:41:48.060 --> 00:42:08.060 To what they addition the process, the timeline so that we develop a poor relationship and start working on because you guys are gonna have GDA too, right? Grant? 130 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:42:08.060 --> 00:42:27.870 So that's really the letter back from the applications would be really critical at this point to move forward with banks but the right equally support right, we're the grant. 131 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:42:27.870 --> 00:42:46.920 Correct yes so you're gonna you're gonna be sent probably a DocuSign that you sign online to sign the grant agreement, and then the next day you basically receive a copy of the You know more about this two weeks. 132 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:42:46.920 --> 00:43:13.657 So 04:00? Yeah, to work for everybody. We'll see. Bob and Melanie, Lisa? 5 March. 133 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:43:13.657 --> 00:43:32.249 Yeah, is the idea that a letter of intent would be probably be better if the letter intent was sent before that meeting in case anybody wanted to tinker with it or not or have it come and then the board can talk about it and accept it at that meeting in two weeks. 134 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:43:32.249 --> 00:43:55.880 Hey Bob, it's Rob. Sorry to interject, because there it's a slight deviation, should we, should you me and George and obviously somebody from the board kind of term this out a little bit so we can almost have like a term sheet so we're not wasting time on the letter of intent so we know what to put in the letter of intent to make sure. 135 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:43:55.880 --> 00:43:59.760 Do you mind that? 136 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:43:59.760 --> 00:44:19.760 Yeah, term sheet would be fine too. I just something that the board can get its hand around, right? I mean, it didn't do a bid, so it can't just hand pick you without having some meat on the bones. I I I know we did a term sheet and or a letter of intent. George has that, you know, four or five years ago. 137 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:44:19.760 --> 00:44:43.238 If he wants to dust that off and he, you know, some of the stuff may not be relevant anymore cause the project's changed so much and send that to us in draft, you know, we can share that with with with the chair, and if, if, if, if, if the chair is comfortable with that, you know, then I would say, you know, finalize it for the board's consideration. 138 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:44:43.238 --> 00:44:58.637 Gotcha. I'm not trying to add a layer in there. I just want to make sure because I remember the letter intent being pretty in depth, so I just want to make sure that whatever we're doing, we're moving quickly on the letter of intellip probably. Well, I I think I think if you think. 139 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:44:58.637 --> 00:45:20.174 The term sheet is is a more simple way of getting your project terms across. We can certainly do that, that, I mean, we did get into the weeds a little bit with the letter of intent because we went back and forth many times with you and George so you know a term sheet that's fine as well, as long as it has the sufficient level of detail that we could look at and try to start putting together a PSA after the board. 140 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:45:20.174 --> 00:45:42.099 Right term sheet I can do, which I like, you know, and I think when you add in the letter intent when we add the lawyers in them, there's a lot of stuff that, you know, is beyond me on, you know, how that stuff operates, but as long as the bulk of it makes sense I can work on that before the meeting even yeah. 141 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:45:42.099 --> 00:45:52.179 I would think with that term sheet Rob, you know, include any exhibits, right? Like schematic site plan just so the board can visualize what it's, what, you know, what's complica. 142 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:45:52.179 --> 00:46:00.300 Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. I just want I I know I know you you've covering all the bases, but I there is. 143 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:46:00.300 --> 00:46:27.378 The, you know, ARI you know the expression yeah and then that expression of interest and aware as clause somewhere to me means something because you keep saying it's a vastly different project, but the mixed use portion really isn't that different from the original cemental. I just, I know you you gotta rejustify that, but I do think it still has some basis, some relevance to where we're at because I think the. 144 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:46:27.378 --> 00:46:29.077 One thing that we're. 145 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:46:29.077 --> 00:46:46.541 Yeah yeah yeah adding stories, right. I mean if you read that, if you read the original submittal, it's basically a mixed use. Yeah. You had restaurant and loss, it's not you know Yeah, I just I just want to point that out. It's not like. 146 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:46:46.541 --> 00:47:21.856 I'm not trying to **** I'm not trying to be so fashioned at the poophoo that I was again just pointing out, even if Rob never gave a or responded, we could still negotiate him but it's part of the story. So if you think it's helpful, maybe indicate, you know, back in 201I submitted this proposal as part of the REFI and at that time the project was described like this. I'm amending my project description and now and it's described below and then at least at least there the story's being told. I I actually like that better. It shows some continuity despite four years passing. 147 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:47:21.856 --> 00:47:32.700 I mean that that was my that was my comment. My comment is, is I know that the term sheet Rob can do just opposed to the letter of a test, but I I think from a format standpoint. 148 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:47:32.700 --> 00:47:52.700 The continuity should be retained and and if in fact, the original was a letter of intent, I think the revision should be a letter of intent that shows continuity and process and it doesn't show that there was a stop and and a redesign and thus everything that you just alluded to with regards to warranty not. 149 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:47:52.700 --> 00:48:10.780 Who have to go off for an RFP might be lost in in translation, so I I really think the level of that should be revised and not a term sheet. And there was a. Yeah, he almost picked up from that draft. 150 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:48:10.780 --> 00:48:14.830 Yeah, we didn't finish it, but we got pretty far along on that draft. 151 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:48:14.830 --> 00:48:18.972 So I think we can yeah it's it's pretty close to the It was definitely pretty close. 152 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:48:18.972 --> 00:48:25.559 I think we were talking about the environmental conditions, but that's been cleaned up so. 153 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:48:25.559 --> 00:48:30.080 Okay. Anything else for Rob? 154 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:48:30.080 --> 00:48:32.094 What time would be the meeting I'm of. 155 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:48:32.094 --> 00:48:33.993 Or. 156 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:48:33.993 --> 00:48:37.795 Yeah, I could do that I just have another meeting at 05:30, so. 157 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:48:37.795 --> 00:48:53.610 Yeah in and out. Yes. On the full right on the full properties with the three and three building. 158 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:48:53.610 --> 00:49:08.700 Right, undertaken by us? Yes yes. And, and who did that? So I I I would I would make a motion to to contact Frank Denato and start the appraisal process. 159 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:49:08.700 --> 00:49:23.760 So that we have, we can operate on parallel paths and multi multitask here to try to. Yeah, I was gonna get a quote from them. Yeah. 160 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:49:23.760 --> 00:49:43.200 Be in motion by a second. Yeah, and anything else we think of along the way, you know, you're gonna come up with ideas, just keep firing them out so that we're prepared in two weeks to, you know, really start moving this thing, so. 161 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:49:43.200 --> 00:50:03.200 So do we have a do we have an engineering team or that that go by at the forefront or do we have to retain other people? No, we we Lisa and I will put together pulling together the contract now because you've done procurement for this consultancy before, so this is just another. 162 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:50:03.200 --> 00:50:16.754 Yeah, so we were putting together the proposal yeah ok and hopefully that's gonna be. Yeah ok thanks something that we could take a peek at in two weeks then yes yep rightly so we'll get. 163 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:50:16.754 --> 00:50:31.029 Yeah. Yeah. You owe me the some details on that. Yes. So Paul's gonna get it done. 164 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:50:31.029 --> 00:50:40.920 Yeah, so Rob, you'll have George hook up with Bob. George will come Bob and Melanie and connect down what's needed. 165 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:50:40.920 --> 00:51:12.783 Thanks Rob. Thank you everybody for the time. I appreciate it. Thank you. See you soon. Always a pleasure. See you. Okay, have a good one. Thanks for. Take care. Okay, just for reference purposes, could someone just send to us a copy of the existing letter of reference one? Yeah. 166 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:51:12.783 --> 00:51:20.824 Yeah, to be clear that there's only a draft Bob, there it was never executed, but we can dig out. 167 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:51:20.824 --> 00:51:32.360 Yeah, and I found it Bob, if you haven't, I did find it the other day. The old one. Yeah. 168 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:51:32.360 --> 00:51:36.844 Is it the, is it the last version? I mean we went back and forth with George Mira at a few. 169 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:51:36.844 --> 00:52:01.944 Times though I don't know. Well, I don't It seemed like the last version, but I'll just I just did a google email search. But there is a draft in the letters let's get that up. Yeah, not sure yeah environmental that Lisa mentioned. I'll find it until. 170 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:52:01.944 --> 00:52:08.025 You'll get you'll get that to Bob, that'd be great. When you send if you email it out. 171 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:52:08.025 --> 00:52:12.520 Yeah. Yeah but copy me and Melanie and if it's. 172 "7162****91" (3129436672) 00:52:12.520 --> 00:52:15.463 If it's not the latest and greatest we'll let you know. 173 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:52:15.463 --> 00:52:32.581 I'm gonna give it to Allison. Yeah involve Linda too, that'd be good. Alright real property acquisition DSA one. No, NO 19 seven. 174 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:52:32.581 --> 00:52:36.296 Okay, like I said. I forgot email. I forgot email. 175 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:52:36.296 --> 00:52:39.383 You have a copy of an email? Yes. 176 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:52:39.383 --> 00:52:58.497 Yeah, we asked Sal to come to the meeting and provide an update like we just asked Rob and Sale's on, I think he's in Florida maybe, but anyway, he provided this long email in terms of what he's been working on and I think there's a few points maybe that Paul can address for the board. 177 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:52:58.497 --> 00:53:12.960 Yeah, well, I just, he, he talks about I don't think we promised him all these utilities. So I, I thought it was clear, but again, I mean it you know so there is sewer, there is a sewer line that goes to the building and needs to be connected. 178 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:53:12.960 --> 00:53:32.340 But I mean that's a typical developer type of thing. There is, you can't bring water over, we have a conduit to accept the water pipe because the water authority will not allow you to connect to a building that's a vacant, so there's a conduit that allows the water pipe to go in at some point. There's conduits run that'll accept the electrical. 179 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:53:32.340 --> 00:53:52.340 From the point that we know that extra needs to come from to the building, you know, we didn't know about his gas needs, I mean again, but it's not unheard of that developer would, you know, run the gas line, I mean. And yeah. I don't know, you know, again, I mean some of this. 180 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:53:52.340 --> 00:54:12.690 We do as much as we can as we always deal with state grants and you know, we also tried on the flood for grant to the same one that we applied for for the 33 building. We put money in for 17 for the back deck 88 you know entrances and stuff so we can do some level of improvement on 17. 181 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:54:12.690 --> 00:54:44.142 Again they didn't we didn't get that grant, so everybody's been treated, you know, equally and so we we've we've done as much as we can with the state dollars we have on 17, which is a million dollars of investment to bring it off the ground. So, I'm not quite sure if it means that we need to do, you know, he, he wants, you know, LDC to do this utility work before it continues or I'm not quite sure well that's what I mean. Yes, I kind of clarified here so that we got a better idea. 182 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:54:44.142 --> 00:54:48.504 Yeah, we're gonna set up we figured we set up a meeting, yeah. He's not. 183 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:54:48.504 --> 00:54:56.970 Interested, then that's fine. Yeah, we should sort of put a little deadline on. Yeah, I I think the one thing is I think we have to. 184 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:54:56.970 --> 00:55:13.200 Sure that we utilize a uniform approach you gotta get an approach with regards to continuity with regards to approach with Mock Valley gardens. I mean if he's really real about this, then I really think that you should submit a letter of. 185 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:55:13.200 --> 00:55:33.200 Yeah, and you know he he can put a host of things that have to be worked out in order to be in a position to execute a purchase and sale account, but if it if it's real, I think it has to be more than an email. It has to be a lot of time like for everybody else. Right, I think you should talk to him 1st and say here's what we can do and here we can work. 186 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:55:33.200 --> 00:55:58.520 List of what we need yeah and again we'll, you know, when we mitigation grants, we'll try to propose some improvements here too to lower the, you know, the developers you know, but I just don't guarantee we'll get that, you know. I think that's what you do. We definitely can do propose them, we might be able to do it. Yeah. And then yeah. 187 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:55:58.520 --> 00:56:17.400 Make sure he's still interested at that point because he's gonna do a bunch more work than thinking how we ought to know it's a difference, they got, they got a lot of work i mean we gotta get to say can you do it or tangible, right? 188 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:56:17.400 --> 00:56:36.120 Yeah, you gonna have the meeting with him and then come back and give an update? And then from there we'll decide to set a deadline so yeah I just don't know I want to talk Again I wanna make sure my role is talking to him about the technical stuff. I don't I don't think my I can't get it. You know, I don't want to get into the rest of it. 189 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:56:36.120 --> 00:56:56.120 The chairman in the board, you know. He'll give an update in two weeks and then we'll talk I'm gonna talk to him about utilities and potential grants that could help and what we could do with those grants, but you know he needs to talk to the board about letter of next steps which is probably letter of ten. 190 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:56:56.120 --> 00:57:26.636 So about next steps I don't know if I should like he's confused as to how much we can do, but we can't we need to straighten that out. Even if it's not him, let's say he says NO we the next guy in, we should know this stuff deal with them straight up. He he's got to formalize this right now he should really, he should really appear in front of the board so you guys can you know. 191 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:57:26.636 --> 00:57:28.520 Long for sure and we will. 192 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:57:28.520 --> 00:57:52.770 Yeah, in two weeks. I'll definitely get back to some of the technical stuff I have a number of times, you know, I have, you know, the female issue I think might not have a complete understanding, you know, he's he's had some frustration. I get it, I mean he needs, he can't get an insurance quote without an address you know the city's working on getting him an address and that will help and that. 193 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:57:52.770 --> 00:58:10.920 Might shed a lot of light on things for him because I think, you know, again, it's the insurance gonna be pricing. He's he's got a floor, he's got to finished floor elevation that's 2 ft under base flood elevation. 194 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:58:10.920 --> 00:58:30.920 So he's, you know, that's that's gonna be, that's gonna increase his cost he you know and he I I've told him before the kitchen space has probably gotta be raised at 2 ft, you know, to for flood plane and you know so I I'm not sure the ceiling height in there. I mean the 33 buildings got 22 ft. Yeah, the other one's got, you know. 195 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:58:30.920 --> 00:58:48.630 Put here and then you've got the peak. Yeah, he can probably afford 2 ft in a in a specific area where he has his kitchen probably. And then the rest of the space needs to be pluggable in a sense. There's a, you can do it and he you can do it in a way. 196 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:58:48.630 --> 00:59:05.070 You know that he can get a variance of mistake because it's just started building, but he's gotta do some things, you know, when he goes in to go for an experience, you know. I think that's stuff you need to educate yeah that we can make a decision. Yeah or you can make a decision. Okay. Have we. 197 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:59:05.070 --> 00:59:37.524 Negotiated or discussed. The had some discussions with him. Okay, so just just for the ease of operation, would it be wise to to contract with to have an appraisal to both parceled so that so that we understand the dynamics there and he might have I wanna say he was at the site with. 198 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 00:59:37.524 --> 00:59:42.160 Oh, he did. I have it. It's not that old as the other. 199 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:59:42.160 --> 00:59:50.490 I remember it was 80 something thousand denials of course, right? 200 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 00:59:50.490 --> 01:00:07.320 Either way right you know what Bob's saying was updated MBG, so that's yeah I don't know, you know. I well let's see if we're gonna go out and market it. 201 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:00:07.320 --> 01:00:27.320 I will look for. There's you know visions, whatever, you know, there's a, that's a little bit of money on the side and not not it's not slushy, it's gonna weaken. 202 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:00:27.320 --> 01:00:42.252 Almost gases. So it's running on. I think you know because the appraisal I have is from 20. 203 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 01:00:42.252 --> 01:00:44.165 2023, so it's relatively. 204 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:00:44.165 --> 01:01:10.312 Yeah, ok. Relatively new. Yeah. Good. So Paul's gonna take care of that. Yep, I will have to do your discussion. All right now. I think everything's ok. Melanie might have an update. Okay, go ahead. I can provide an update. 205 "7162****91" (3129436672) 01:01:10.312 --> 01:01:24.510 So since we have the special meeting and we talked to mr. Patel and Rob Helpman, Rob has been very engaged with me and the title company and with the eastment drafts and with Canal Corporation. 206 "7162****91" (3129436672) 01:01:24.510 --> 01:01:39.780 Last week we did get sign offs from Canal Corporation as to the form of our amended and restated stancell agreement. It will be reviewed by patel's Lender and Canal Corporation is aware that further changes maybe coming. 207 "7162****91" (3129436672) 01:01:39.780 --> 01:01:55.620 But they're engaged and they've pretty much said they're, they're ok with the concept of our standstill agreements spreading across the entire new project area. So that that was something that was in our court but in the hands of a 3rd party. So we've made good progress there. 208 "7162****91" (3129436672) 01:01:55.620 --> 01:02:13.530 We have gone back and forth with the tri party easement agreement, and this is for access, the bike trail, the street construction with the city and with Patel. The drafts have been sent over to assistant corporation council. Stephanie. 209 "7162****91" (3129436672) 01:02:13.530 --> 01:02:28.920 To Georgio. Paul is developing a series of maps that will be used with those events, but we have to have like a sit down meeting with Stephanie, Paul and with you and and get the maps finalized so that the city is engaged in that process too. 210 "7162****91" (3129436672) 01:02:28.920 --> 01:02:49.710 So that's in process, but we need to sit with sit down with the city. I think those were the two things in the seller's court in terms of purchasers financing, I do not have an update from Rob on that other than they were talking to a lender. 211 "7162****91" (3129436672) 01:02:49.710 --> 01:03:09.710 And the lenders reviewing the environmental conditions and I think Rob said that at our meeting. We are in good shape with the title commitment. We've worked through the title issues with Chicago title. There is one affidavit they'd like the city to sign. I've shared that with Stephanie as well. And when we have our meeting to talk about. 212 "7162****91" (3129436672) 01:03:09.710 --> 01:03:30.214 At the easement we can go through that so I mean those are the things that are in our control and then the rest is on the developer and Rob Helping. So we've made progress. There's a couple more things we need to finalize. 213 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:03:30.214 --> 01:03:58.171 Any other questions? Nope. The SA or Jones chemical? And I think it's just a matter of well, I know not I know the money you need is is wrapped around the 440K right, I'm trying to get them all their paperwork and but on the legal side, anything from they just, is that it's all negotiated, right? It's just waiting for pay it. 214 "7162****91" (3129436672) 01:03:58.171 --> 01:04:19.492 Well, the financing and the funding is one piece, the the new we got some updated environmental documents. Do you remember there was a an amended SMP or something that came through and so we we've got some additional, we had some blanks in the contract for those conditions and we're in the process of filling in those blanks. Okay. 215 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:04:19.492 --> 01:04:20.709 Yeah. 216 "7162****91" (3129436672) 01:04:20.709 --> 01:04:23.014 Based on that recent information. 217 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:04:23.014 --> 01:04:43.460 Yeah. National grid. We've just been meeting with them routinely, the last meeting though, this is what spurred them. The last meeting it came to light that where we had the branch trail connection and we never, we haven't talked about this, but I assume you agreed because he. 218 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:04:43.460 --> 01:05:14.180 Anyway, the, whatever you say? So we met with, so we had the branch trail come swinging around back at DSA one with a small padd bridge over the Ballhawk to get to the way trail. We're reviewing that with with like, we got a problem, you know, you guys, there's that there's these are high voltage slides coming straight from the substation, probably not moving with the substation move, they're probably. 219 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:05:14.180 --> 01:05:34.770 Rerouted but along the same corridor, they rerouted once they get to the site then rerouted, but they're gonna stay in the same spot where they basically run behind DSA one. We can't put a trail in a 50 ft of them and we would also have to pass under them because they take the right turn and they'd go towards to the east street. 220 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:05:34.770 --> 01:05:54.770 So, you know, long story short, they're like, this is gonna be a big delay. If, if we if we can even allow it, which is unlikely, it'll be a big delay. So we kind of said recalibrated and said, let's put let's just focus on loop the harbor bridge in the trail approaches on either sidebar bridge. 221 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:05:54.770 --> 01:06:13.230 Threw that back to Canal Corp and said, did you mind if we reconfigure the Canal Corp grant? So it's the trails on either side of the bridge, they actually called Andy called me and he said that Jim Decker reviewed it, Canal Corp he said they like it. They liked that idea better. 222 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:06:13.230 --> 01:06:33.230 They said and they didn't they because like getting involved in the bridge and the escalation costs and everything else they were they like they liked the trail doing the trail, the bolt launch and the restoration of the stream trained, so they're just waiting for us to redo the paperwork and they're gonna send Brian the grant dispersement agreement for so that's what we're. 223 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:06:33.230 --> 01:07:00.480 Probably two, right? Yes, we have to split it on probably the trails would be one and the other. So that's going that's going well. We just gotta get them the paperworky didn't change, right? Just putting two because for some reason they said they need to keep two contracts under a million whatever. Yeah, so that that. 224 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:07:00.480 --> 01:07:18.240 So the these discussions with with you know we're uncovering stuff like this and you know other things like there might be the better, right? Yeah, there might be a small easement within to do the trail network and so we brought that to light, so. 225 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:07:18.240 --> 01:07:38.160 Yeah, things are good and good. There's positive discussions on screening the substation where we're meeting with a vendor next meeting to talk about substation screening. So yeah, so it's been good, you know. Yeah, so that covers both and national grid, I guess in the ways. 226 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:07:38.160 --> 01:07:58.160 Oh, so with the DLT, so with the we didn't want to do is the canal way trail connection from the city. And I, I so we said look at this is what just happened with talking to national Grid and our and our India for. 227 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:07:58.160 --> 01:08:18.160 Canalway Trail basically they came back, Brian Offman said, kinda don't worry about it. They, they programmed 10 ft sidewalks in either side of the new bridge, right? On either side of the new door to the C Street bridges. Yeah and and all and have they have they've had it on the their plans already connect to canat way trail. 228 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:08:18.160 --> 01:08:38.990 So we didn't even lose that part of it, so we're working with, working with DLT and actually through ways interchange, there's probably more improvements that can happen with that which I think we're gaining back any, any loss that we had here so now we don't have to pay for a bridge so I mean that bridge I mean we're still gonna loop the harbor bridge, right, right, right. 229 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:08:38.990 --> 01:09:01.020 But and then I think there's a lot of excitement, I think around the loop to harbor bridge, you know, the whole idea. So I think it's things are going great. One thing I don't know about is like the seeker, and this is for Lisa too, you know, does the loop well we'll have we'll have a whole set of new consultants for the loop to harbor bridge. But I wonder. 230 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:09:01.020 --> 01:09:16.440 Probably the GEIS has to be amended for the for the bridge, right? We didn't have a bridge in there at the time. Yeah, so I don't think that'll be awful, right? Yeah. Right so yeah so that's everything there, right? Anything on the problem at that? 231 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:09:16.440 --> 01:09:34.020 The icemaker, the ice, the bubblers or whatever are working great so they're they're keeping the ice away from the, from the boat lunch, but other than that, I mean the whole project's done and you know, I think we, I think the city has paid MBM in full. 232 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:09:34.020 --> 01:09:54.020 Yeah, we're just doing closeout paperwork, you know, so yeah, I mean it's all set. Yeah, It's and ready for spring opening when or whatever and we're all ready for spring. Opening. He wants to do an opening as soon as. 233 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:09:54.020 --> 01:10:15.753 Is possible. So I think they've asked me for like like there's a bunch of fencing that well by LDC and that's the other city, whatever. Yeah, we're gonna have to figure that out. Yeah, how to reconfigure that, you know, for the site once it's open. Okay. Yeah. 234 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 01:10:15.753 --> 01:10:34.851 I mean Brian, if we're, you know, we're gonna continue to seek grants, so when he wants to do that opening, I would reach out to Department of State and provided the money to design the prominaut and prepare the construction documents too, see if they wanna, and maybe ESD even though EST money didn't go into the prominent audit, it built the bulkhead walls. So. 235 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:10:34.851 --> 01:11:00.020 Yep. Yeah. One thing I've been thinking about is like how do we advance the hard work, you know, the place to make the you know the whatever you know in the in the closet, whatever our sculpture we have there and then whatever we do in this other circle, which we thought talking about. 236 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:11:00.020 --> 01:11:19.200 Would you like a gas holder type of you know steel structure that resembles a gas holder, but how do we like kind of like the competition that we did for the mural that's how the sculpture at the corner we probably have to apply for a grant to to pay the guy, but or. 237 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:11:19.200 --> 01:11:35.280 But yeah, I think that'd be great. Yeah. Or do you know or I think competition is great or do you, do we look at what sculpture space want to be? In a sculpture space, what they do is a lot of times they'll have somebody from Europe. 238 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:11:35.280 --> 01:11:55.280 Or another country come over and they have to do a project would be good for them to because I think they need their artists can participate in yeah ok yeah they're pretty good to work with. I think it's time, you know, to start thinking about that. It's nice to be at that point actually we're gonna be looking so. 239 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:11:55.280 --> 01:12:15.270 They're already paid. They're in residency they're getting paid for everything. Yeah, so that might not even cost us anything if we had if we could get one of the speeds coming over from overseas on one of these paying missions to create a sculpture, we could just have so they could put it here. Yeah. 240 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:12:15.270 --> 01:12:36.385 Yeah I don't know how do you know the people? A little yeah it would be how big of sculpture just give me just give me something like this and figure that a bread box. 241 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 01:12:36.385 --> 01:12:44.934 We actually do have some thought on the dimensions Jack we can give you cause it was part of the original design of the prominod. 242 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:12:44.934 --> 01:12:55.507 Yeah, can you send that over to Jack? Yep. Good. Then I can bring them over there and show them where, you know. 243 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 01:12:55.507 --> 01:12:57.630 It's gonna be in all. That'd be great. 244 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:12:57.630 --> 01:13:17.460 Okay. Other business budgets. So it's just a big negative. So they don't allow. So, so the way that. 245 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:13:17.460 --> 01:13:37.460 Like the Paris filings, whatever we've had meetings with them and they don't, on these budgets, they don't want you to put bank finances as revenue. They just they told us to leave that up. So it's, you know, the bank financing is only to finance the grant so can put the grant revenue like well what i've done, what. 246 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:13:37.460 --> 01:14:00.800 I've done, here's why I didn't. I just and we could, but the reason why I didn't I assume the 04:40 440 thousands coming back from the ESD will arrive before 1 April, at least I'm hoping. So I didn't put the four forties because it's still. Then I'm also assuming that the dasy reimbursement will probably come after 4 April. 247 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:14:00.800 --> 01:14:22.730 1st 2026. So I didn't put that revenue in there. So I just put so we're incurring the cost but I in both those I assume one's coming before, one's coming after the fiscal year, so that's why I didn't put I mean as far as for the board ok so we can't put this through but for the board to look at it, we should have those. 248 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:14:22.730 --> 01:14:45.870 Sources in here to say we should have notes or notations here to reflect scopes such as to reflect hotel where you're gonna generate obviously that's. I mean, you know, bottom line is that. 249 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:14:45.870 --> 01:15:05.870 If you know perceptions reality, right? Yeah, so if if nobody knows what Harbor Point is all about and they just see this, they say, what the heck? Yeah, and I So you gotta you gotta put Patel and I think you gotta put a notation in there with regards to say he might have a letter of interest with. 250 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:15:05.870 --> 01:15:36.510 The 1930 building opportunity for closing and for revenue. Yeah yeah yeah yeah and right and of course it's in and out I can, it can be modified and I don't against why I but you would go in as a in and out because it's whatever comes in is going back out to service payment, so, but it's probably good to show. 251 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:15:36.510 --> 01:15:52.380 Yeah, for this board we want to see what's gonna happen whether we can send it on the other there's NO place for notes or notations in in the Paris system. It's just, you know, previous numbers, actuals. 252 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:15:52.380 --> 01:16:12.380 What do you think? But for the purposes of I suppose the board yeah we could do something there. I mean you gotta either show that you're gonna have other operating revenues or you're gonna show a substantial reduction in your $1.585 million note that so MBT, right? Right. 253 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:16:12.380 --> 01:16:35.030 Something electronic you're sending over to them or it's all online. You want to work together and figure that out how do we want to you know, I mean we're gonna be meeting in two weeks and then Allison, if you can put this on the agenda and then put Paul. 254 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:16:35.030 --> 01:16:57.660 Why whoevers that we can do whatever we want this time. For us in terms that we can't what's our fiscal year? 3 April of March. In this this this. 255 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:16:57.660 --> 01:17:14.700 DSA one. That's an old grant that's not really should have just yeah oh I I I'm sorry. I should've that was that I might have changed the description to pad ready system and. 256 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:17:14.700 --> 01:17:34.700 That that's my mistake. So internally let's put something together yeah internal for the board. So just for clarification purposes, he said that there were two grants that that were received. 257 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:17:34.700 --> 01:17:53.880 Or across his project one was 1.51 yeah that one comes with one three or they separately MVG applied for ESG grant and they got it for I think 1.2. There's the grantee on that one? Yes. And that's gonna go towards their building again. 258 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:17:53.880 --> 01:18:13.880 Yeah. Okay, we're we're doing the 1st step. Up for the function. 259 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:18:13.880 --> 01:18:31.860 Yeah, so we have to accept this in motion we table it to yeah We're gonna talk to get anything out right now. No, three of us will talk and we'll get something going for next meeting and then get everybody. 260 "jspaeth@cityofutica.com" (1695697664) 01:18:31.860 --> 01:18:50.011 So long meeting, I'm not used to it here. So the next meeting I'll be the 5th. Yep. Thank you, everyone. 261 "Lisa Nagle, EDR" (1421128448) 01:18:50.011 --> 01:18:54.468 Thanks everybody. Thanks. Bye.